The People said NO to LGBT agenda

Traditional marriage won a huge victory in critical election races in Houston and Kentucky! These electoral victories prove without a doubt that the American people do not accept the illegitimate and anti-constitutional ruling of the US Supreme Court redefining marriage, and they reject the attempt by the left to use that illegitimate ruling as a springboard to further advance the agenda of those who wish to destroy marriage.

Voters went to the polls and overwhelming rejected the LGBT agenda in Houston, where the city's lesbian mayor, backed by the money and muscle of the grossly misnamed Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and other national LGBT groups, attempted to force through an ordinance that prohibited discrimination based on "gender identity" and "sexual orientation." Nearly 62% of Houston voters said "NO" to the so-called Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, which was jammed through the City Council by Houston's mayor.

It's a tremendous victory for supporters of marriage and common sense, people who realize that biology trumps "feelings" and "identity" when it comes to men and women. It is not discrimination to treat a man as a man, even if that person wants to say that he "feels" he's a woman. And it is not discrimination to keep men out of intimate facilities reserved for women, like bathrooms, showers and locker rooms. Keeping sex-segregated facilities separate is common sense, a policy that protects people's privacy and safety.

In Kentucky, pro-marriage champion Matt Bevin soundly defeated the gay marriage movement's candidate, incumbent Attorney General Jack Conway. NOM endorsed Mr. Bevin several weeks ago and has worked to promote his candidacy. Bevin pledged to support marriage and protect marriage supporters like Kim Davis and others who will not violate their conscience to be personally complicit in the lie that is same-sex 'marriage.' In contrast, Conway refused to defend the state's marriage amendment as attorney general and was a major reason why it failed in court.

Now Conway's career lies on the trash heap of history, and a pro-marriage champion, Matt Bevin, is ascending to the governorship of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Once again, when given the opportunity to cast a free vote, the American people have voted for the truth of marriage and for candidates who stand with them. We congratulate Matt Bevin on his tremendous victory, and look forward to working with him to enact legislation that will protect all marriage supporters, including Kim Davis, from discrimination and retaliation for refusing to go along with the illegitimate and unjust ruling of the Supreme Court in attempting to impose a redefined version of marriage on the nation.

The results in Houston and Kentucky also serve as the latest abject lesson for our side: never believe polling claims that purport to show that the public is somehow embracing the redefinition of marriage or the expansion of the LGBT agenda. These polls are dead wrong. Supporters of the Houston ordinance constantly claimed that the polls showed they would win, yet they got trounced. And in Kentucky, the media was claiming that Jack Conway held a commanding 5 point lead over Matt Bevin days before the election and was the overwhelming favorite to win. Again, Conway got creamed, losing to Bevin by 9 points.

The truth is that when the American people are allowed to cast free and fair ballots in the privacy of the polling booth, they stand for marriage and the candidates who stand with them.

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