Should the govemment legislate morality in particular protect immorality like homosexual marriage

Every government legislates morality because every law has some identifiable moral purpose. Even administrative laws and traffic ordinances have a moral agenda to ensure public safety, promote order, and prevent accidents. Yet the most contentious and central issues of the law are so steeped in morality that it is foolish to suggest that the government should not legislate morality. Laws prohibiting theft, murder, assault, rape, and kidnapping make a strong moral judgment rooted in a clear moral consensus. 

These laws legislate morality.

When someone argues that the government should not legislate morality, the limiting of a specific personal behavior-especially sexual behavior-is almost always the issue. 

Yet the law will always legislate morality, even if it refuses to legislate on a specific issue. Removing legislation or declining legislation is always a political act with moral implications, just as refusing to vote in a democratic election is a political act with moral implications. 

When it comes to legislating morality whether the issue is sex or some other lifestyle issue-every sane, stable, lasting society legislates vast areas of morality. Even when moral issues are not made matters of legislation, they remain a matter of cultural decision, social responsibility, and moral consequence. Homosexual legislation has been pushed by political parties, like the Greens. In the UK the Prime Minister David Cameron, forced his party to adopt his personal moral value regarding homosexual marriage because he had friends who were homosexual in university. Cameron said he was proud to have pushed this thropugh Parliament even half of his own party disagreed. He now has a homosexual education minister threatening UK Christian schools to support homosexual practices. Therefore Government clearly can make immoral decisions, offensive degrading decisions because of pressure groups. President Obama intentionally sent a homosexual man to be the Ambassador for Australia. 

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