Al Mohler on Homosexual Marriage

This is one of those rare books that every American pastor (if not every American Christian!) needs to read – and I say this with complete confidence. We simply must understand the culture in which we minister, and it just is not likely that many of us have the cultural understanding that this important book provides.

Al Mohler is widely recognized as a theologian whose finger is kept close on the pulse of society. Here he exposes the revolutionary character of today’s currents, and he addresses our responsibility in it. We cannot afford to be naïve at such an important cultural moment, and even if you find much of Mohler’s exposé upsetting you will be the better for the read.

In Mohler’s Words

In his Preface Mohler lays out his agenda – below is a sampling:

We are now witnesses to a revolution that is sweeping away a sexual morality and a definition of marriage that has existed for thousands of years…. This book is about this moral revolution, how it happened and what it means for us, for our churches, and for our children…. Every revolution has a story, and the story of this revolution is one that we can now trace. To put the truth plainly, this revolution did not start with same-sex marriage, and it will not end there.

The revolution that is centered on transforming sexual morality and redefining marriage has succeeded faster than its most eager advocates had even imagined, as they themselves now admit. But this revolution could not have achieved such a velocity if the ground had not been cleared by developments that came long before same-sex marriage. We will look at what came before same-sex marriage, and we will look into the future to what may come after.

Every Christian church—and every Christian—will face huge decisions in the wake of this moral storm. When marriage is redefined, an entire universe of laws, customs, rules, and expectations changes as well. Words such as husband and wife, mother and father, at one time the common vocabulary of every society, are now battlegrounds of moral conflict. Just consider how children’s picture books will have to change in the wake of this revolution. As those who demand this revolution make clear, there will be no model of a normative family structure left in its wake….

  • In chapter 1 we trace the revolution and its vast impact…. We cannot tell this story without looking at how secularized our society has become. It turns out that the secularizing of the culture is central to the moral shift.
  • In chapter 2 we look at the arrival of birth control and divorce, and at the fact that few Christians seemed to understand at the time that these developments were setting the stage for a total redefinition of marriage and the family….
  • In chapter 3 the development of the homosexual movement is put within the context of that moral revolution….
  • Chapter 4 is a close look at same-sex marriage itself. How is it possible that marriage could be redefined to include a man married to another man or a woman married to another woman?… What does this mean? What will it mean?
  • Chapter 5 considers the transgender revolution. In the long run, the redefinition of sex and gender will have even more far-reaching consequences than the redefinition of marriage….
  • Chapter 6 looks squarely at the end of marriage. What will marriage mean when virtually anyone has a “right” to marry? What can it mean?...
  • Chapter 7 asks a straightforward question: What does the Bible really say about sex?...
  • Chapter 8 looks at the very real and urgent challenges to religious liberty we now confront…. What will same-sex marriage mean for your church and its freedom?
  • Chapter 9 steps back to look at the sexual revolution—right down to the arrival of same-sex marriage—in light of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Chapter 10 is a consideration of pressing questions. Should a Christian attend a same-sex wedding? Is sexual orientation a choice? How do we balance truth and compassion? Would you allow your child to play at a home with two moms or two dads? Why do none of the ancient Christian creeds define marriage? Should government legislate morality? These are just a few of the questions now pressing upon us….

And finally, the book concludes with a “Word to the Reader” written in response to the Supreme Court’s decision on gay marriage.

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