
Showing posts with the label Rodney Croome

Immoral Homosexual Law playing games with people

More than a dozen homosexual couples legally marries in Australia under faulty ACT legislation. Western Australian Upper House MP Stephen Dawson was the first to marry with a midnight ceremony on the lawns of Federal Parliament . He says he has wanted to call his partner Dennis Liddelow his husband for a long time.  By having a ceremony in front of Parliament at midnight clearly portrays how homosexuals are going to treat marriage as a political tool or a symbol to achieve their ends namely the full legalization of homosexuality.  ACT Chief Minister Katy Gallagher who put forward this faulty legislation, saying she is encouraged by the number of people willing to get married while the law stands. The law puts people from different states at odds with state law, on a range oflegal issues but for homosexual zealots this is the exact reason why they do it, because they disregard the law and want to push their agenda.  Ms Gallagher says: "In terms of where we go from here

Same-sex marriage bill: Christians vow to fight on if High Court allows equality in ACT

Lyle Shelton , managing director of the Australian Christian Lobby , said he was optimistic the court would overturn the marriage equality law. Mr Shelton said if the court ruled the ACT law was found to be constitutional Australia would be left ''with a hodge-podge of marriage laws''. ''Now that is not in the nation's interest and something would need to be done to get us back to a state of uniform marriage laws,'' he said. The Federal Parliament has the power to overturn territory laws and should do so immediately. Mr Shelton said homosexual marriage bills had been rejected by the federal, NSW, South Australian and Tasmanian parliaments. This is a clear signal to the community. In France and Hawaii immoral homosexual marriage was pushed through against huge public protests. In New York, the Mayor paid off Republican members to vote for homosexual marriage, but these Republicans have since lost their seats due to public backlash. Shelton said if

Australia needs a referendum on redefining marriage

English: Tony Abbott in 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) September 10, 2013 ( ) - Same-sex marriage was a big loser in Australia ’s election over the weekend. Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd sank beneath the waves with his rainbow colours nailed to the mast. Rudd began his campaign to unseat the incumbent PM, Julia Gillard , back in May with a born-again conversion. He promised that he would introduce a bill within 100 days of being re-elected and made gay marriage a centrepiece of his pre-election campaigning. Astonishingly, on the very threshold of electoral annihilation, he gave an interview to The Australian in which he insisted that same-sex marriage was his Christian responsibility. "It was not simply a question about policy but about my fundamental qualifications to be called a Christian,"  he said . Perhaps in Mr Rudd’s inner-city seat of Griffith in Brisbane fervour for same-sex marriage was running high. Perhaps outspoken support was

Christian politician rejects Christ accepts immoral homosexual marriage

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglican Church, Ashfield, New South Wales. Illustrates Jesus' description of himself "I am the Good Shepherd" (from the Gospel of John, chapter 10, verse 11). This version of the image shows the detail of his face. The memorial window is also captioned: "To the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of William Wright. Died 6th November, 1932. Aged 70 Yrs." (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Sandy Grant has written an excellent response  to Rudd’s ridiculous claim that “the Bible also says that slavery is a natural condition” (2:26 in the video above). I won’t write more about that except to quote Sandy: I am appalled at how this national leader, publicly claiming “an informed conscience and a Christian conscience”, misrepresented the Holy Book of the faith he confesses, on its teaching on one matter (slavery) to avoid its teaching on another matter (of marriage), in order to justify his

Warped Morality: Legalizing homosexual marriage is good for the economy?

This is warped morality and logic stating that legalizing immoral homosexual marriage would give a billion dollar boost to Australia's faltering retail and tourism industries. This is an illogical overstatement stating that money is more important than safe healthy traditional marriage. As immoral homosexual marriage became legal in NZ, some aggressive homosexual advocates warn Australia is exporting jobs by denying homosexual couples the right to marry here. Replace the word immoral word: homosexual with another immoral action like paedofilia. Or perhaps illegal drugs. It is not about money, but a safe healthy wholesome community, where traditional marriage is upheld and not denigrated and manipulated by aggressive, self-centred homosexual advocates. According to the national director of Australian Marriage Equality , Rodney Croome , more than a thousand gay couples plan to travel to New Zealand to marry. 1000 couples? Related articles Australian Prime Minister Rudd de

D.C. Mayor axes gospel singer from MLK memorial concert because he is an ‘ex-gay’

WASHINGTON, D.C. ,  – D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray  admitted  Monday that he made the final decision to remove gospel singer Donnie McClurkin from the lineup of performers at a city-sponsored concert held Saturday at the Martin Luther King memorial in respond to complaints by gay activists .  McClurkin was to have been a headline performer at the event , called “Reflections on Peace: Ghandi to King,” which marked the beginning of a planned series of events to commemorate King’s life during the run-up to the 50 th  anniversary of the civil rights leader’s “ I Have a Dream ” speech. But on Friday, several homosexual activists contacted the mayor’s office to complain about McClurkin’s inclusion in the show because the gospel singer is a vocal ex-gay who believes homosexuality is a “curse” which can be overcome through prayer and determination.  They threatened to protest the event if he was allowed to perform.  Soon after, it was announced that McClurkin would no longer be part of th

Will Christine Forster help Tony Abbott lose the Australian election?

English: Tony Abbott in 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Mr Croome a homosexual advocate said he has no plans to approach Mr Abbott's openly-gay sister, Christine Forster, who has publicly disagreed with her brother's stance. The question remains; in the minds of conservative voters, will Christine Forster be the person that helps Tony Abbott lose the election?  Homosexuals advocates intend to leaflet seats including Brisbane , Perth , Wills and Batman , identifying which candidates support their (immoral, in your face, otherwise you're a bigot hater) reform.  Rodney Croome  states polls consistently put support for the reform at 65 per cent across the country.  However, when compared to Switzerland supporting Islamic minuets which also polled very high but failed at referendum miserably, shows that people completing polls are intimidated by the Homosexual lobby even when answering polling questions, or even speaking out publicly against the sin of homo

Kevin Rudd wants to force immoral homosexual marriage onto all Australians

Hon. Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister of Australia (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Kevin Rudd promised he will fast-track same-sex marriage if re-elected. If the Prime Minister has his way, marriage could be redefined by the end of the year. But it will only happen if enough MPs vote for change. You can read below what he told supporters in an email released just minutes after the debate. Please email your local MP today and remind them of your support for man-woman marriage. Ask them to commit to supporting the current definition of marriage if they are re-elected. Kevin Rudd’s 100 day plan to redefine marriage would further undermine the idea that kids deserve, wherever possible, a mum and a dad. There is no practical discrimination against same-sex couples under Australian law . There is no need to change the marriage law . If we wish to retain marriage in its current form it is important that we vote for candidates, regardless of party affiliation, who support marriage. If your l

Why does Kevin Rudd want to divide Australia over homosexual immoral marriage?

English: Kevin Rudd, 26th Prime Minister of Australia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The ABC has reported "Gay marriage advocates have welcomed the Prime Minister's "important" move towards legalising same-sex marriage, but warn it is not a reform Labor can achieve alone. During last night's leaders' debate Kevin Rudd promised that if re-elected, he would take the first steps towards making gay marriage a reality, describing it as a "mark of decency to same-sex couples". He said a bill on the issue would come before parliament within 100 days if Labor wins another term, and his party would be allowed a conscience vote . Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said it was "an important issue" but would not commit to a conscience vote.  Rodney Croome , the national director of the Australian Marriage Equality lobby group, has welcomed Mr Rudd's position on the issue. But he says gay marriage has little chance of being legalised in Australia

Smoking healthier than gay marriage

The head of the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) Jim Wallace says smoking is healthier than the lifestyle that would be promoted by same-sex marriage. Mr Wallace made the claim in a debate on marriage equality with Greens leader Christine Milne at the University of Tasmania today. Answering a question from a student on the relevance of his views, he said health statistics among the gay community were worse than those for smokers. "I think we're going to owe smokers a big apology when the homosexual community's own statistics for its health - which it presents when it wants more money for health - are that is has higher rates of drug-taking, of suicide, it has the life of a male reduced by up to 20 years," he told the audience. "The life of smokers is reduced by something like seven to 10 years and yet we tell all our kids at school they shouldn't smoke." After the debate, Mr Wallace said the figures saddened him. "But what I'm saying is

Why the Push for Homosexual Marriage?

Image via Wikipedia Many homosexuals – perhaps most – are not even interested in marriage. Thus it must be asked, just why is it that some homosexuals are so insistent on marriage rights?  Why the very strong push by at least some in the homosexual community to be able to marry? As many homosexuals themselves admit, a major reason why they want marriage is not so much to be like heterosexuals , or because they want to abandon their more free and promiscuous lifestyle, but because of its symbolic value. It will give them public recognition, approval and acceptance.  This has long been the overriding goal of the homosexual lobby: complete social and public endorsement and approval. Thus by getting marriage rights, and, in turn, the last hurdle for homosexuals, full adoption rights, homosexuals will have achieved their longstanding goal: legitimizing the homosexual lifestyle. As even Time magazine admitted, in an article on same-sex marriage, the real goal is complete social acceptance