Immoral Homosexual Law playing games with people

More than a dozen homosexual couples legally marries in Australia under faulty ACT legislation.

Western Australian Upper House MP Stephen Dawson was the first to marry with a midnight ceremony on the lawns of Federal Parliament. He says he has wanted to call his partner Dennis Liddelow his husband for a long time. 
By having a ceremony in front of Parliament at midnight clearly portrays how homosexuals are going to treat marriage as a political tool or a symbol to achieve their ends namely the full legalization of homosexuality. 
ACT Chief Minister Katy Gallagher who put forward this faulty legislation, saying she is encouraged by the number of people willing to get married while the law stands. The law puts people from different states at odds with state law, on a range oflegal issues but for homosexual zealots this is the exact reason why they do it, because they disregard the law and want to push their agenda. 
Ms Gallagher says: "In terms of where we go from here, the world has changed, the landscape has changed. It won't be when or if same-sex couples can get married, it's they were married and this momentum will continue to build and I have no doubt it's changed the debate."

Unfortunately, the world has not changed, and nine politicians from a small territory, do not have the right to redefine marriage for the rest of the country. What has changed is that homosexuals have been emboldened in their sin and arrogance. 
For example, after 10 legislation attempts, Rodney Croome from Australian Marriage Equality is still calling on Prime Minister Tony Abbott to let his MPs decide whether or not same-sex marriage should be legalised at a federal level. Croom doesn't not understand the word: NO.

The Coalition should allow a conscience vote on this. It should go to a referendum so the people can speak and not politicians who are being threatened by a very vocal immoral minority in their electorate like Malcolm Turnbull. A man who appears to have chosen to sit on the fence to appear to be favourable to homosexual zealots but can then point to the party when it fails.

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