Will Christine Forster help Tony Abbott lose the Australian election?

English: Tony Abbott in 2010.
English: Tony Abbott in 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Mr Croome a homosexual advocate said he has no plans to approach Mr Abbott's openly-gay sister, Christine Forster, who has publicly disagreed with her brother's stance. The question remains; in the minds of conservative voters, will Christine Forster be the person that helps Tony Abbott lose the election? 

Homosexuals advocates intend to leaflet seats including Brisbane, Perth, Wills and Batman, identifying which candidates support their (immoral, in your face, otherwise you're a bigot hater) reform. 

Rodney Croome states polls consistently put support for the reform at 65 per cent across the country. 

However, when compared to Switzerland supporting Islamic minuets which also polled very high but failed at referendum miserably, shows that people completing polls are intimidated by the Homosexual lobby even when answering polling questions, or even speaking out publicly against the sin of homosexuality because of the fear of being labelled a hater and bigot. 

Just like the ABC appears to have a biased group think on the issue of immoral homosexuality. Rarely does the ABC offer balanced viewpoints with contrary views expressed when it comes to homosexuality. On the day after the first debate, over five articles appear on the ABC Drum all biased towards supporting immoral Homosexual marriage, all anti-family, anti-God and-heterosexual marriage and anti-child.

No one dares speak out because of fear of being labelled a bigot so you shut up, but you express yourself at the poll and dump homosexual friendly politicians.

Mr Croome incorrectly said Mr Abbott should not fear a possible conservative Senate crossbench over the issue because some in Katter's Australia Party and the Palmer United Party supported same-sex marriage. It appears according to Katter he does not support this immorality. The Bible is very clear on these issues. Evolution does not support homosexuality. Biological design does not support homosexuality and common sense says homosexual marriage is a confused concept and due to fail as seen in some one particular European countries which show homosexual marriage is a failure. Why because homosexuality by nature is based on lust.

Family First, Rise Up Australia should be supported because of their family friendly policies that exclude the immorality of homosexuality.

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