Australia: Kambala Christian Anglican School hires homosexual teachers

Here you have Christian parents who pay good money to send their daughters to an Anglican school being told off for asking that their teachers abide by a Christian ethos.

Anglican school Kambala hits back after complaints about gay teachers. The school quotes scripture liberally but disobeys scripture by blindly employing homosexuals prohibited by scripture, and judged by God as one of the grestest sins. But this is Sydney - capital of homosexual pride march!

The school council at the Sydney Anglican girls’ school Kambala has been applauded for publicly admonishing the biblical views of two sets of parents who had complained that the employment of homosexual teachers was not “living up to our Christian values”. The school council obviously are not Christian and have no biblical understanding and possibly have not read nor support the Bible.

In a letter sent out to parents on Wednesday, school council president and businesswoman Sally Herman made it clear that Kambala would not discriminate, either positively or negatively, when hiring staff at the Rose Bay institution. 

Unfortunately, God discriminates when it come to sin. Very clearly we are all sinners, saved by God's grace. Not all sin is the same. Scripture points to the greater sin and depravity, one of which is the person who betrayed Jesus. But, Romans 1 clearly quotes lesbianism and male homosexuality as examples of the deep great depravity of sin, where God in his judgement hands them over to indulge fully in their sin as a punishment. 

There is no dispute over these verses. They are clear and plain.

Kambala then issues a non-biblical response after some parents complained that the hiring of gay teachers was not “living up to our Christian values”.

Ms Herman – a Kambala Old Girl, who has worked in the financial services industry and also sits on the boards of Premier Investments, Suncorp and Breville – has been praised by homosexual advocate Kerryn Phelps for her strong non-biblical stance.

But both women are condemned by scripture as Romans 1:32 states "They know God's decree...they approve of such behaviour of those who practice that behaviour." 

This school, its leadership, board are condemned by God, by all faith obedient churches who not only support the Christian ethos but actually follow and obey Christ. 

Such hypocrisy!

“It is 2016. I think the response is not surprising. It was a message of support for our teachers and our girls, and to reinforce what people know Kambala stands for.”

Sadly, they stand against God and against scripture but they do stand for Sydney homosexual culture. This is clear and undeniable.

In her letter to parents, Ms Herman wrote: “In recent days, two families have stridently expressed their displeasure at Kambala for, in their opinion, not living up to our Christian values by hiring and retaining teachers who are gay.

Sally Herman said Kambala would not discriminate when hiring teachers. Well they do discriminate - they don't hire untrained illiterate teachers, teachers without blue cards, drunks, drug addicts, teachers who are not pedophiles, teachers with a criminal history. They do discriminate very clearly, but because homosexuality is the trend in some circles - they choose to disobey God.

“At the core of their displeasure is a concern that their daughters may be exposed to messages or values that they do not personally agree with.” 

Notice Herman use of words "personally disagree with." The issue of homosexuality is high profile at the moment. The issue of Christian schools and homosexuality is also a major concern for genuine faith schools who dont give lip service to Christianity.

She continued that all staff were selected on merit, empathy and their commitment to supporting the Christian ethos of the school.

Obviously, nobody knows what that statement means. In fact it means nothing based on the actions of the board.

The letter includes a quote from 1 Corinthians 13: “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” The hypocrisy of using such verses is astounding considering scripture condemns homosexuality.

Ms Herman wrote: “At Kambala, love isn’t an optional extra.”

Jesus called people throughout the gospels to sin no more. The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 1 condemns homosexuality. The hypocrisy of this school is astounding. Why do they bother even calling themselves Christian?

Phelps, the former president of the Australian Medical Association, said she applauded Ms Herman’s decisive response to the “small number of parents who were trying to purge the school of gay teachers”. Phelps in the past demanded the removal of the name of a famous Australian tennis champion from a tennis stdium simply because she disagreed with homosexuality.

Kambala principal Debra Kelliher declined to comment.

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