Traditional Marriage is being abused

English: the moment of the Marriage Equality A...
English: the indecent  moment of the immoral Marriage Equality Act vote at the capital building in Albany NY June 24, 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The battle lines have been drawn. On one side, you have those who will not stop at an illegitimate redefinition of marriage who are now demanding passage of something they call the Equality Act — which, despite its name, absolutely takes away equality for people who hold religious convictions. It's really the Persecution of Americans Act.

The legislation being backed by homosexual activists gives them special legal rights and the ability to bring down the power of the federal government to investigate and punish any individual or group they claim is discriminating against them. Don't want to personally be involved in a gay ‘wedding'? Discrimination! Don't want your children and grandchildren taught in public school that same-sex unions are beautiful and normative? Discrimination! Don't believe that a man who "identifies" as a female is actually a woman? Discrimination! Don't want to have a biological male in the women's restroom or school showers? Discrimination!

On the other side is the National Organization for Marriage, fighting the homosexual agenda and working to protect the religious freedom of every American. Not only are we fighting against the grossly-misnamed ‘Equality Act' but we are pushing hard to achieve enactment of the First Amendment Defense Act which will prevent the government from discriminating against or punishing any individual, business, church or religious organization because of their support for true marriage.

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