Tony Jones speaks with Katy Faust, who was raised by lesbian parents and is in Australia to lobby against same sex marriage.

TONY JONES, PRESENTER: Our next guest, Katy Faust, serves on the academic and testimonial council of the International Children's Rights Institute. As you heard in Tom Iggulden's story, she's a fierce opponent of same-sex marriage, despite being raised by same-sex parents and describing her mother as a loving gay parent. She's in Canberra to lobby against same-sex marriage. Katy Faust joins us now from Parliament House.
Thanks for being there.
TONY JONES: Have you actually managed to speak to any Australian politicians yet?
KATY FAUST: We did. My - my partner in crime, Millie Fontana, who is a resident of Melbourne and also raised by two mothers and I had a chance to speak with a couple of members of Parliament yesterday.
TONY JONES: Not the Prime Minister so far?
KATY FAUST: No, no. He hasn't called yet.
TONY JONES: Now how is it that the daughter of lesbian mothers has become a leading opponent of gay marriage? How does that work?
KATY FAUST: Simply because I recognised that while my mother was a fantastic mother and most of what I do well as a mother myself I do because that's how she parented me, she can't be a father. Her partner, an incredible woman - both of these women have my heart - cannot be a father either. Children have a right to be in relationship with their mother and father whenever possible, and as a society, we shouldn't normalise a family structure that requires children to lose one or both parents to be in that household.
TONY JONES: Now trying to sway the US Supreme Court to rule against gay marriage, you wrote to Justice Anthony Kennedy before that vote and you said you used to say, "I'm happy my parents got divorced so I could get to know all you wonderful women." Now you seemed to be saying that was all a lie.
KATY FAUST: Well, there's a lot of pressure on children of gay parents to please their parents, to sort of carry the banner forward for them and you can read about this not just in conservative publications, but even books like Families Like Mine, which was publicised by a pro-gay marriage daughter of gays and she admitted and several of the kids in that book admitted that it's very difficult to be honest about this because of the political pressure surrounding this topic. There's several children that have contacted me even since I started writing about this saying, "I agree with you, but I'll never come out and speak about this publicly because my relationship with my parent is too tenuous."
TONY JONES: Now Katy, did you find God somewhere in this journey towards anti-gay marriage?
KATY FAUST: Well, I was not raised a Christian, but I did become a Christian in high school.
TONY JONES: And did that change things? I mean, did you decide that homosexuality was against the Scriptures, against God's will, something of that nature?
KATY FAUST: Well, I - it took a long time, honestly, for me to get on board with what biblical sexuality says, because there's a fierce protectiveness I think that all children have for their parents, but what I was delighted to find when I read Scripture is that God has an incredible heart for the orphan and that he's very concerned with the plight of children. And that lines up very much with where we need to go in this discussion, which is focusing on the rights of children primarily as opposed to emphasising the desires of adults, which tend to take centrestage when we're talking about this issue.
TONY JONES: Now after your parents divorced, because you originally had a father and a mother. They divorced. Your father, you say, went off with other women. Why have you focused your main criticism on the homosexual part of the equation and not your father?
KATY FAUST: Well, I think that I'm pretty fair in my statements to say that whether you're heterosexual or homosexual, children have rights. And adults - the onus needs to be on adults to conform to the rights of children rather than children fitting into an adult's lifestyle. And certainly, I don't think that homosexuals are responsible by any means for the crisis that we face in America when it comes to family structure these days. Absolutely, heterosexuals have led the way on that charge. I got into this discussion primarily because what I heard from the gay lobby was that children don't care who's raising them, right? That children are just fine if it's two men or two women. And the reality is that anybody that's talked to a child who has lost a parent, whether through divorce, abandonment, third-party reproduction or death, kids absolutely care. Family structure matters to children. And so I heard the LBGT lobby saying it doesn't care - they don't care and I don't think that that's reality.
TONY JONES: OK. You also were motivated politically once President Obama announced his support for same-sex marriage and you set up an anonymous blog called Ask the Bigot. Why did you do that? Why'd you call it that to start with and what happened when you did it?
KATY FAUST: Yes. Well, you know, strangely, the URL wasn't taken for that web name. Not sure why. But it was born in an angry moment. I'm not really a confrontational person. But what happened when Obama evolved is to me it felt like media was free to play the bigot card. So now everybody that doesn't support gay marriage is a bigot, right?, because either you're isolated and you don't know any gay people or you're indoctrinated or you're homophobic or you're the equivalent of a racist. And they were not giving any attention to people that had a genuine argument, a well-founded secular, convincing argument for supportive traditional marriage. And so I started blogging anonymously ...
TONY JONES: I was gonna make that point. You started blogging anonymously. What happened? Why did you go public, as it were?
KATY FAUST: I didn't. I was outed by a gay blogger who felt like I needed to be held accountable for my stance and the truth is that I would not have filed a brief with the Supreme Court, I wouldn't be having this interview with you today, because I never intended to be involved in the legal fight, but because I was outed in the name of love and tolerance, I am talking with you today.
TONY JONES: OK. So, just going to that Supreme Court decision. In June, Justice Kennedy authored - the same man you wrote to authored the Supreme Court's decision in favour of same-sex marriage. He began in agreement with you, saying that no union is more profound than marriage. But he said of the gay people who had petitioned the court, "It would be to misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they respect it so much, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfilment for themselves." Now obviously the court agreed that their dignity was the critical thing here. Why do you disagree with that position?
KATY FAUST: Well because they have dignity, right? Single parents have dignity. People that have never been married have dignity. You don't gain dignity by a government bestowing that on you, you just have it. The question is not whether or not they're - they have dignity and the question is not even really whether or not they have the capacity to love and commit the way heterosexuals do. They do. They absolutely do. The question is: what is government's interest in marriage? It's really not about affirming the connections that we have with one another. It has to do with the product of those unions and there's something distinct about the product of a union between heterosexuals. What's distinct is that they make babies and those babies have rights and those babies deserve protection.
TONY JONES: Katy Faust, we'll have to leave you there. Thank you very much for coming in to join us.
KATY FAUST: Well, thank you for having me.

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