Richard Di Natale calls genuine research he disagrees with as 'goobly gook."

English: Senator Bob Brown and Richard Di Nata...
Gay retired Senator Bob Brown and Richard Di Natale in Melbourne,  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Listen to Greens Leader Senator Richard Di Natale call genuine social science research: gobbly gook! 

Genuine social science research by scientists that have outcomes he doesn't like, so he brands that "goobly gook," but research that supports his position - he says "we have that argument it's finished, no further discussion.

Pure ignorance.

Natale then generates his own definition of marriage -two people who love each other. He says the debate with kids is over. Now he is an expert? This debate has only started. 

Natale holds an unsupported ignorant warped view of marriage.  His personal definition flies in the face of history and is based purely on a small yet very vocal group

What is most astonishing is his total disregard of Kathy Faust own personal testimony regarding children of same sex relationships. Natale refuses to hear any arguments or actual testimony that goes against his own confused position and treats ALL research that disagrees with his view as: goobly gook.  

Is this person blind to other viewpoints? Is he blind to science? Yet he will stand up on climate change and argue science to the PM? So next time he quotes a scientific position say on climate change- let's call his climate change science goobly gook!  

In essence his position is to ignore what other larger, more balanced research says about gay marriage and children.

This is pure political hypocrisy - ignore research you don't like (regardless of truth) push your own position and call everybody else a liar, a bigot - and do it with a straight face..... while you talk all over the person beside you. 

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