Christian politician gets both born gay and theology wrong

English: Kevin Rudd, 26th Prime Minister of Au...
English: Kevin Rudd, 26th Prime Minister of Australia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Mr Rudd's comments on Q&A (ABC TV Monday 02.09.13) reveal his misinformed science and mistaken understanding of the Bible.

In defending his support for homosexual 'marriage' and his 'Judas-like' betrayal of the majority of the Christian constituency, Mr Rudd declared:

"I do not believe people when they are born choose their sexuality. They are gay if they are born gay. You don't decide at some later stage in life to be one thing or the other. It is how people are built."

No, Mr Rudd, that is not true! Pastor Brian Robertson said:

"There is no reputable scientific evidence to prove that people are 'born gay'. In fact there is no identifiable 'gay gene' that pre-determines an individual's sexual choices.

"The factors that result in an individual becoming involved in a homosexual lifestyle may be complex, but no scientific research has uncovered a genetic basis for those choices.

"Furthermore, if homosexual attraction is a matter of being 'born that way', then it could be argued by those who want to embrace other sexual choices that their adultery, incestuality, polygamy, or bestiality is also the result of being 'born that way'."

Mr Rudd's science is quite misinformed in that some of the best research conducted on identical twins, where one twin is heterosexual and the other twin is homosexual, has demonstrated that there is no genetic cause to an individual's sexual choices.

Dr Neil Whitehead has stated:

"Because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated. No-one is born gay. The predominant things that create homosexuality in one identical twin and not in the other have to be post-birth factors.'"

No one is 'born that way', Mr Rudd!

Pastor Robertson went on to say, "Mr Rudd's understanding of the Bible is also quite flawed. He does not seem to understand the difference between what the Bible describes and what the Bible prescribes".

Yes, the Bible describes the reality of slavery and gives instructions as to how a believer is to live within a culture that practises slavery, but the Bible does not prescribe slavery as a natural and acceptable social norm.

Likewise, the Bible describes a range of sexual expressions, but it prescribes marriage as a one-man-one-woman relationship. In fact, both the Old Testament and the New Testament specifically speak of homosexuality as outside of God's intention for human beings."

Furthermore, "the fundamental principle of the New Testament" is not "one of universal love", as Mr Rudd claimed.

It is really about a holy perfect God recognising humanity's broken and fallen condition and, in self-giving love, offering His Son as a redemptive means to re-establish relationship between God and human beings. Jesus' message of "Come unto Me" cannot be separated from "Go and sin no more".

The apostles' message was "repent" (turn away from your sinful ways) and yield your life to the Lordship of Jesus. And in neither message is there room for an endorsement of any lifestyle choices other than those that God revealed as His truth.

As Mark Latham said, "The return of Kevin Rudd is the final hammer blow in the destruction of Labor's moral code." And the absence of a moral code leads to social disaster!

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