Biblical ignorance on homosexual sin

Below is the false argument used by non Christians to argue for the goodness of homosexuality. Non Christians confuse moral law, dietary law, community law for Israel in the Levitical code so that when one law namely homosexuality is quoted, they quote say a dietary prohibit action eating prawns as likewise prohibited. Jesus fulfilled all of the law but expanded the moral law in the new Testament.

In the example below, they quote a USA TV show where they quote alongside the prohibition of homosexuality the selling of your daughter.

The Christian response to this false inference is that the New Testament repeats and even expands many moral prohibitions, while dietary laws, cultic laws are not repeated but fulfilled in Christ, limited to Israel only. Even eating certain animals with blood strangled was removed during the new covenant church. However, murder, sexual prohibitions are repeated and amplified.

Non Christians may smirk in that they think they have a killer response, but in reality it is not a killer response but an ignorant response, displaying arrogance and lack of biblical illiteracy.

Mr Rudd won applause for his reply to Pastor Matt Prater, who demanded of the Prime Minister on ABC-TV's Q&A how he could call himself a Christian after chopping and changing his position on same-sex marriage.

Mr Rudd, in a lengthy response, demanded to know whether the New Hope Church pastor thought homosexuality was abnormal.

Pastor Prater, also a conservative radio host, replied that "I just believe in what the Bible says and I'm just curious for you, Kevin, if you call yourself a Christian, why don't you believe the words of Jesus in the Bible?"

Mr Rudd, quick as a flash, produced his false answer.

"Well, mate, if I was going to have that view, the Bible also says that slavery is a natural condition."

It sounded to the practised ear not entirely original.

Fans of The West Wing - and Mr Rudd and many of his staffers past and present are devotees - might recall an episode from 2000 when the show's US President Josiah "Jed" Bartlett, on the very eve of a tight mid-term election, recited something very similar, with a theatrical flourish.

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