Christian politician rejects God, Jesus, Apostle Paul the Bible on homosexuality

Rudd's Bullying Moment and ignorant scripture moment

Some have accused him of bullying but others have hailed Kevin Rudd's fiery response to a Christian pastor as "the answer of the century" and a "historic moment" in Australian politics.
His answer was no smack down but that of an ignorant bully abusing scripture, while claiming to be a Christian whereas in reality he is liberal and does not believe Jesus, God, the Bible, the A pestle Paul
However, Rudd's answer was biblically wrong, accusing God of sinning, inferring that the Apostle Paul was wrong on a range of issues, dismissing Jesus comments on marriage, ignoring moral truths from the Old Testament that is repeated and reinforced back in the New Testament. He simply repeated the Metropolitan Gay Community Church and Freedom2b homosexual groups who twist scripture to support their immoral depraved lifestyle.

The Prime Minister's arrogant ill informed abusive three-minute answer to a New Hope Church pastor Matt Prater's question on homosexuality has ignited voters just when they seemed to be losing steam in the final five days of the federal election campaign.

Matt Prater: questioned Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on his gay marriage stance.
Matt Prater: questioned Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on his gay marriage stance. Photo: Screen grab, Q&A
When asked on ABC's Q&A on Monday night how he could claim to be a Christian but keep "chopping and changing" his beliefs on gay marriage, Mr Rudd said it was "just wrong" to think people choose their sexuality.
"They are gay if they are born gay," he said bluntly. The problem is there is no science to support this statement. Research on twins clearly display homosexuality is a choice and is not gene driven. There is no gay gene, and even if a person was born with a alcohol gene, a diseased gene, it does not necessarily mean they are dictated by that gene. This is a very false and misleading argument. 

"You don't decide at some later stage in life to be one thing or the other. It is how people are built and therefore the idea that this is somehow an abnormal condition is just wrong, I don't get that. I think that is just a completely ill-founded view." Rudd needs to look a numerous people, movie stars, musicians would who do keep changing their moral sexual choices all the time but claiming they were born that way. Some want to change back, it is a choice an immoral choice.

Prime Minister kevin Rudd; his response has been positively received

Mr Rudd said he made a political decision a few months ago to change his position on gay marriage after reflecting for "many, many months and years" and concluding in his "informed conscience and Christian conscience" that it was the right thing to do. Yet one gets suspicious when you hear old pro-homosexual arguments and West wing quotes and misrepresentations of the Bible verses being quoted.

However a conscious must be informed by scripture not self analysis, culture, sinful thinking even politics. I seared conscious has no hope at all. Claiming to be wise Rudd is a fool says God.

To whom did he speak to regarding this decision? Which theologians or was it just his Labor workers the one claiming to be a Pentecostal gay Christian?He said that, once he accepted that humans don't choose to be gay, he formed the belief that it was not right to deny certain people the opportunity for legal recognition in their relationship. At least Lady Gaga agrees with him but not Jesus. Everybody is born in sin. We are called out of sin by the salvation in Christ and not called to celebrate sin.

At one point, Rudd challenged the pastor to further clarify his view, demanding he say whether he thought homosexuality was "abnormal".
The Bible clearly declares homosexuality not only an abnormal sin but lists lesbianism as the prime example of the extreme depravity of sin. Jesus states not all sins are the same. Paul lists homosexuality at the grossest  worst sin.  
"I just believe in what the Bible says and I'm just curious for you, Kevin, if you call yourself a Christian, why don't you believe the words of Jesus in the Bible?"

Mr Rudd responded: "Well, mate, if I was going to have that view, the Bible also says that slavery is a natural condition." 

So Rudd in effect is saying the Apostle Paul was wrong on slavery therefore he is also wrong on homosexuality plus everything else. It is a false argument assuming that slavery in the New Testament is identical to US 1800 slavery and people slavery today. 

Slavery as described in the New Testament is more of a work contract. They became slave to work off debt, often becoming managers. The book of Daniel portrays slaves as receiving the best education, food, training and huge governmental responsibilities. But even then slavery was not his focus neither supporting nor condemning it but focusing on the priority of salvation in Christ.

Rudd is wrong on homosexuality, the Bible, Christ and in particular the gospel. It is not about love but Christ crucified.

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