Born Gay: No way unless you're Lady Gaga?

English: Gaga perfoming "Born This Way&qu...
English: Gaga perfoming "Born This Way" on GMA (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A PREGNANT woman who is "having a lesbian" is an illogical immoral in your face new billboard to promote homosexual marriage. The LGBT community with no evidence continues to push the lie that people from normal families should support immoral choice based homosexual marriage, because they have decided that homosexual children are "born that way".

The LGBT community seem to have a conclusion on the nature / nurture argument that nobody in the scientific community has....
"Being lesbian or gay is not a choice. It's got nothing to do with culture or parenting skills. It's just the way you are. You're born that way."

This idea that people are born homosexual is popular among the under 30's pop culture, with Lady Gaga, Will & Grace etc, with no scientific thought at all, but seek to redress immoral sinful choices as "born that way."

With the same logic are murders, rapists jihadists born that way? 

The billboard shows a smiling woman baring her pregnant belly, with the slogan, "Congratulations, you're having a lesbian".

Billboard giant GOA has donated space for the ads, worth up to $60,000, in Queensland. GOA managing director Chris Tyquin said he would ask interstate billboard companies to donate space as well. Will GOA also support free space for ads that are aginst homosexual marriage? Will GOA choose to ignore a majority of the population that are tired of the agressive homosexual agenda?
The campaign by Steve Minon, a freelance advertising creative director from Brisbane said "It is designed to get people thinking, and challenge them a little," he said.

Steve is quite prepared to lie to people about people being born this way with no scientific backing?

Minon's confusion can be clearly seen when he says: "We're trying to point out to any family that marriage equality can be your number one priority, without your knowing about it." 

Unfortunately Minon's logic is irrational like many who are pushing homosexual marriage. Not only is it against evolution, biological design, against health, against biological reproduction, against marriage history, it doesn't make sense....but that doesn't stop deceptive advertising.

Here is the biggest lie in the whole campaign from a medical doctor implying the medical world supports the concept...."You're having a lesbian!" the doctor tells the overjoyed parents. The campaign's theme is that "any child can be born gay."

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