‘Sexual identity’ added to discrimination law in unanimous French Senate vote

Sexuality confusion crossed
Sexuality confusion crossed (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

PARIS, August 8, 2012  – The new Socialist president and assembly of France passed an amendment to the equalities law late last month adding language to include “sexual identity” as a grounds for legally prohibited “discrimination.” Before the unanimous vote, one Socialist senator said that the change came in response to lobbying from “transgender” people.
Michelle Miller said, “Transgender people have alerted us to high frequency of harassment and assaults they experience, particularly during the transition period that can last several years. It seems necessary to me to complete the law on discrimination and to add recognition of transphobia.”
Some homosexualist activists expressed disappointment, however, that the language “sexual identity” was used and not the “gender identity,” which is regarded as “more accurate” and is in use in other EU countries. “Sexual orientation” is already included in the law.
A press release from the French Transgender National Association said the term “sexual identity” is not defined in law and therefore the determination of whether an offense has been committed will be left up to individual judges. A Communist Party Senator, Annie David, raised the point, saying, “The debate needs to be opened. ‘Gender identity’ is not sexual identity: one can be born into male or female without a corresponding gender identity.”
The government of Francois Hollande promised in July to bring in “gay marriage” within months.

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