Gloucester City Council apologizes to Christians for banning PRO-MARRIAGE tracts

GLOUCESTER – The Christian Legal Centre reports that a Christian group has received an apology from the Gloucester City Council, saying that they had been fully within their rights to hand out religious leaflets THAT SPEAK ON THE SIN OF HOMOSEXUALITY and that it had been wrong to try to stop them.
The apology comes after the city had attempted to stop members of ten city churches from handing out tracts during “Bible Day Gloucester”. The Council claimed that the group had breached city by-laws, but later apologized following the threat of legal action.
Roland Parsons, a spokesman for Christians in Gloucester, said the group is “delighted that the council has seen sense”.
Christians in Gloucester maintain that we have the basic freedom in Britain to hand out literature of a political or religious opinion to any other citizen in Gloucester,” he said.
“We also refuse to live in a totalitarian regime where political and religious opinion is banned. The city MP would not have been treated in this way if he and his colleagues were handing out political message literature at Gloucester Cross.”
Andrea Minichiello Williams, CEO of the Christian Legal Centre, which supported the group, commented, “This is a victory for free speech. Gloucester city council is to be commended for reversing their decision to ban the distribution of Christian literature.

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