Scottish civil servants concerned about religious freedom if gay ‘marriage’ passes: leaked e-mail

Scottish Government logo
Scottish Government logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

EDINBURGH – BBC Scotland has seen an e-mail sent between Scottish civil servants that shows Scottish National Party ministers are concerned about the far-reaching effect on civil freedoms of a proposed redefinition of marriage. They express concerns that “gay marriage,” will impact the freedom of citizens, particularly religious ministers, to object to and refuse to participate unless substantial changes are made to the UK’s Equalities Act 2010.
The email says that the government “may announce” that they will proceed with same-sex “marriage,” both for civil and religious ceremonies, but not until the Act is “amended to provide full protection for individual celebrants who are opposed to same-sex ceremonies, even if their religious body has decided to opt in to carrying out such ceremonies”.
“[T]he government recognises the need to provide appropriate protections for some in Scottish society who are against same sex marriage,” reads the e-mail.
“It is likely that our ministers would not wish to commence any Scottish Act introducing same-sex marriage until the amendment to the Equality Act is in place.”
The BBC quoted a Home Office spokesman saying, “We are working closely with the Scottish government to consider whether any specific changes to the Equality Act, or other legislation, may be required.
“We will produce conclusions on our own consultation - covering England and Wales - by the end of the year.”
Prime Minister David Cameron has recently reiterated his determination to install “gay marriage” by 2013, despite dire warnings from his own ministers that the push is causing the party to hemorrhage members and is likely to end Conservative hopes in upcoming elections.

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