Preserve Marriage Washington for Gathering Record Number of Signatures in Support of Traditional Marriage Referendum

National Organization for Marriage
National Organization for Marriage (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today commended the volunteer leadership of Preserve Marriage Washington on its incredible effort in collecting a record number of signatures to qualify Referendum 74, which gives voters the ability to preserve traditional marriage in the state. The committee turned in more than 240,000 voter signatures, more than twice the number of signatures it needed to qualify the measure to the November ballot.
"We are so pleased and proud to have supported the Preserve Marriage Washington effort to qualify R-74, and we commend them for the historic signature gathering campaign they have mounted," said Brian Brown, NOM’s president and a member of the Executive Committee of Preserve Marriage Washington. "The signature gathering effort produced more signatures than have ever been collected by any referendum committee in the history of the state. This shows the broad and deep support that traditional marriage enjoys, and sets the stage for a tremendous victory for marriage this November."
Preserve Marriage Washington is a diverse coalition of people of faith and no faith alike. In addition to NOM, the group includes the Washington Catholic Conference and the Family Policy Institute of Washington. Over 5,000 individuals and 2,000 churches circulated petitions to qualify R-74.
"We are excited to support Preserve Marriage Washington in the R-74 campaign and are confident of victory," Brown said. "Thirty-two states in America have voted on marriage and every one has stood for traditional marriage, and rejected redefining marriage. We have no doubt that Washington state will do the same."

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