Government officials describe Bill 13’s true purpose: promote homosexuality

Dalton McGuiny
Dalton McGuiny (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Toronto Sun columnist, Christina Blizzard wrote that Dalton McGuinty was not satisfied as just our secular ruler, so he took for himself the mantle of spiritual, moral and religious leader of Ontario’s Catholics.  Good bye Pope Benedict XVI! Long live Pope Dalton the First!
Yes, the Premier has ordered the Catholic Church to violate its religious beliefs by permitting homosexual activist clubs in its religious schools. Just wonderful.
Campaign Life has, from the beginning, said that Bill 13 has a sexual agenda and nothing to do with bullying prevention whatsoever.  You’ve probably all heard Catholic education leaders and even bishops deny that Bill 13 has a gay agenda. They protest, no, no. You’re wrong. It’s just about creating safe schools and reducing bullying.
Is that so? Let’s examine what the government and gay activists themselves have admitted Bill 13 is about.
Glen Murray is an openly-gay Cabinet Minister. McGuinty actually put him in charge of universities and colleges.  During a debate on Bill 13, Murray stood in the parliament, in front of all the MPPs, and read from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the section which describes homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity and intrinsically disordered.  Then he said, and I quote: “I say to you Bishops: ‘You’re not allowed to do that anymore.’”  In other words, he’s telling the bishops they cannot pass Catholic doctrine onto Catholic students any more. 

That’s what Cabinet Minister Glen Murray says Bill 13 will do.

In the final Bill 13 debate at Queens Park, New Democrat MPP, Cheri DiNovo addressed MPPs with a lengthy speech on Bill 13 in which she candidly described her “hope” that in the future, “the school system sees two mothers or two fathers as just as normal a family group, as a male and female.”  So, she’s clear, she hopes Bill 13 helps normalize homosexual family structures in the minds of children.
This admission is not far off from the one we got from Liberal Education Minister Laurel Broten recently during a scrum on Bill 13. A Toronto Sun journalist asked Broten why she has her children in Catholic school if she disagrees so much with Catholic teaching on homosexuality. Minister Broten replied: “This is about having schools where our students, if they draw a picture of their family and it has two moms in it or it has two dads, that they know that other pupils in that classroom understand and know that’s just as loving a family as theirs.” You notice she didn’t mention anything about bullying whatsoever? She’s talking about normalizing homosexual family structures in very early grades. She’s talking about indoctrination. Social engineering.
Dalton McGuinty himself, in a speech delivered last summer to the Toronto Gay Pride parade, told the participants that his government’s objective in imposing GSAs is to “change attitudes” about homosexuality. He described how that process “should begin in the home and extend deep into our communities, including our schools.”
What do the gay activists say about Bill 13? Well, Queer Ontario, a gay-activist organization, admits to having written the amendments to Bill 13. Who is Queer Ontario you ask? Well, they’re a group working with the McGuinty government, whose mission statement on their website includes getting Ontario to celebrate not only homosexuality, but also bondage, sadism, masochism and polyamorous relationships. That’s polygamy.  Does it encourage you to know this organization helped McGuinty write the bill? Heck, according to the Catholic school trustees there’s no gay agenda here at all, and in fact, GSAs are suitable for Catholic schools!
If you listen to the government headlines, you would believe this is all about inclusivity and treating all people with respect. Sounds nice doesn’t it?  But McGuinty’s allies are now being very open about the true goals of Bill 13.  This legislation and the Equity & Inclusive Education policy which undergirds it has nothing to do with bullying. It’s all about getting kids to reject the religious beliefs of their parents.

Jack Fonseca works with Campaign Life Coalition in Toronto and acts as a spokesman for Campaign Life Catholics. This piece is an excerpt from a talk delivered at the Toronto Pro-Life Forum on June 15-16.

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