The danger to children of the Queensland Homosexual surrogacy laws

Nuclear Lesbian Family
Lesbian Family (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In 2005, the APA declared—in a statement authored by a single activist psychologist—that: …there is no evidence to suggest that…psychosocial development among children of lesbian women and gay menis compromised relative to that among offspring ofheterosexual parents. Not a single study has found children of lesbian or gay parents to be disadvantaged in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents.
Prof. Marks Regnerus demonstrates that all of the studies on which this statement is based are significantly flawed. For instance, none of the 59 studies focused on racial or ethnic minorities, and few studied any such minorities at all. Furthermore, samples were consistently skewed toward economically and socially privileged families. As Marks puts it: “By their own reports, social researchers examining same-sex parenting have repeatedly selected small, non-representative, homogenous samples of privileged lesbian mothers to represent all same-sex parents.” He goes on to demonstrate more flaws from the studies, from the glaring (no or skewed heterosexual control group) to the more esoteric (very high likelihood of type II statistical error). In summary Marks writes, in contrast with the preening of same-sex marriage advocates, that “the available data…are insufficient to support a strong generalizable claim either way.” Moreover, the stark APA statement has “no grounding in science.” 

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