
Showing posts with the label Rudd

Pastor questions Christian politician support for gay ‘marriage’

SYDNEY, Australia , Sept. 4, 2013 - When Australian pastor and Christian broadcaster Matt Prater responded to an email from the Australian Broadcasting Commission 's  Q&A  programme, little did he know that his question to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd would be echoed in news bulletins both nationally and internationally.  As the defining moment of the entire show, the  official YouTube clip  of his question has already eclipsed 375,000 views. Q&A  is a discussion panel show that gives the public an opportunity to put questions to influential figures such as politicians.  Conservatives are usually a minority on the panels and pundits argue that half the audience is people watching to see if their tweets are put to air.  In this episode Kevin Rudd was the sole occupant of the panel, taking all questions. Knowing in advance that he was going to be able to ask a question, Prater put a number of options to the audience of his breakfast show on the Christian  Vi

Christian politician gets both born gay and theology wrong

English: Kevin Rudd, 26th Prime Minister of Australia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Mr Rudd's comments on Q&A ( ABC TV Monday 02.09.13) reveal his misinformed science and mistaken understanding of the Bible . In defending his support for homosexual 'marriage' and his 'Judas-like' betrayal of the majority of the Christian constituency, Mr Rudd declared: "I do not believe people when they are born choose their sexuality. They are gay if they are born gay. You don't decide at some later stage in life to be one thing or the other. It is how people are built." No, Mr Rudd, that is not true! Pastor Brian Robertson said: "There is no reputable scientific evidence to prove that people are 'born gay'. In fact there is no identifiable 'gay gene' that pre-determines an individual's sexual choices. "The factors that result in an individual becoming involved in a homosexual lifestyle may be complex, but no scientific research

Christian politician bullies pastor on homosexual marriage

rudd (Photo credit: weldonwk ) Eternity Newspaper  have an interview with the questioner Matt Prater   here  and a transcript of the above scene  here . Elsewhere  Sandy Grant has written an excellent response  to Rudd’s ridiculous claim that “the Bible also says that slavery is a natural condition” (2:26 in the video above). I won’t write more about that except to quote Sandy: I am appalled at how this national leader, publicly claiming “an informed conscience and a Christian conscience”, misrepresented the Holy Book of the faith he confesses, on its teaching on one matter (slavery) to avoid its teaching on another matter (of marriage), in order to justify his abandonment of that biblical teaching. It is naïve in the extreme—just a poor reading strategy—to assume an endorsement of an institution or activity, simply because it is recorded without particular narrative assessment at one point, or because it is regulated—for what might be called harm-minimisation , or an e

Christian politician rejects Christ accepts immoral homosexual marriage

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglican Church, Ashfield, New South Wales. Illustrates Jesus' description of himself "I am the Good Shepherd" (from the Gospel of John, chapter 10, verse 11). This version of the image shows the detail of his face. The memorial window is also captioned: "To the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of William Wright. Died 6th November, 1932. Aged 70 Yrs." (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Sandy Grant has written an excellent response  to Rudd’s ridiculous claim that “the Bible also says that slavery is a natural condition” (2:26 in the video above). I won’t write more about that except to quote Sandy: I am appalled at how this national leader, publicly claiming “an informed conscience and a Christian conscience”, misrepresented the Holy Book of the faith he confesses, on its teaching on one matter (slavery) to avoid its teaching on another matter (of marriage), in order to justify his

False slavery argument and homosexual marriage

English: Kevin Rudd, 26th Prime Minister of Australia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Kevin Rudd supports homosexuality on a false basis. As homosexual behavior gains wider acceptance in our culture and the biblical view of love and sex is increasingly marginalized, believers are criticized for not embracing homosexual acts as good and holy, even though most Christians today would never own a slave. Although In the New Testament slavery is akin to house or business managers even work contracts, sometimes in charge of the house finances. This is substantially different to that of modern day slavery and 1800 century slavery in the USA as hinted at by Kevin Rudd? How is it possible, unbelievers ask, for believers to have “grown” in their understanding so that they repudiate slavery and yet refuse to grow in their view of sexuality and stop calling homosexuals to repent? There are many answers to this question, but we will focus on this point: while Scripture does not repudiate

Slavery argument and immoral homosexuality

“ Paul, a prisoner for Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, To Philemon our beloved fellow worker and Apphia our sister and Archippus our fellow soldier, and the church in your house” (Phile. 1–2). -  Philemon 1-3 The Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd refers to New Testament slavery as outdated, wrong and socially incorrect then likens our current rejection of homosexual marriage and homosexuality the  same, namely wrong. Rudd's logic is because the Apostle Paul got it wrong on slavery and we have moved on, then he also got it wrong on homosexuality. But is Rudd correct on the slavery argument? As this is a standard homosexual advocates argument why has he chosen t o use it? Is it true? Kevin Rudd is referring to the  Prison Epistles is the letter to Philemon , which is the shortest of all of Paul’s letters in the New Testament. It comprises only 335 words in the original Greek, and, along with the epistles to Timothy and Titus , it is one of the apostle’s few

Biblical ignorance on homosexual sin

Below is the false argument used by non Christians to argue for the goodness of homosexuality. Non Christians confuse moral law, dietary law, community law for Israel in the Levitical code so that when one law namely homosexuality is quoted, they quote say a dietary prohibit action eating prawns as likewise prohibited. Jesus fulfilled all of the law but expanded the moral law in the new Testament. In the example below, they quote a USA TV show where they quote alongside the prohibition of homosexuality the selling of your daughter. The Christian response to this false inference is that the New Testament repeats and even expands many moral prohibitions, while dietary laws, cultic laws are not repeated but fulfilled in Christ, limited to Israel only. Even eating certain animals with blood strangled was removed during the new covenant church. However, murder, sexual prohibitions are repeated and amplified. Non Christians may smirk in that they think they have a killer response, b