
Showing posts with the label Lesbian

Business owner bullied by lesbian gay agenda

The Homosexual Ministry of Propaganda was active in a small Ontarian town last week, this time  demanding  that a restaurant owner remove a historical document that had been pinned to the wall for a decade because it offended two lesbians who had come to eat. The document? A  decade old report  from a major newspaper about a rally at that nation’s capital city. The 2003 report detailed how religious leaders gathered to hold a National Marriage Day in which they spoke out against the government's proposal to legalize same-sex “marriage”. The religious leaders and protesters were recorded as saying that they were “united in delivering the message that God created marriage as the union of one man and one woman.” "In the beginning God created male and female, Adam and Eve , not Adam and Steve ," a placard from a Christian organization read, as described by the reporter. But when two lesbians, who recently moved to the area and who are “married” according to Homo

Born Gay: No way unless you're Lady Gaga?

English: Gaga perfoming "Born This Way" on GMA (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A PREGNANT woman who is "having a lesbian " is an illogical immoral in your face new billboard to promote homosexual marriage . The LGBT community with no evidence continues to push the lie that people from normal families should support immoral choice based homosexual marriage, because they have decided that homosexual children are "born that way". The LGBT community seem to have a conclusion on the nature / nurture argument that nobody in the scientific community has.... "Being lesbian or gay is not a choice.  It's got nothing to do with culture or parenting skills.  It's just the way you are. You're born that way." This idea that people are born homosexual is popular among the under 30's pop culture, with Lady Gaga , Will & Grace etc, with no scientific thought at all, but seek to redress immoral sinful choices as "born that way."

The danger to children of the Queensland Homosexual surrogacy laws

Lesbian Family (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In 2005, the APA declared—in a statement authored by a single activist psychologist—that:  …there is no evidence to suggest that…psychosocial development among  children  of  lesbian women  and  gay men is compromised relative to that among offspring of heterosexual  parents. Not a single study has found children of lesbian or  gay parents  to be disadvantaged in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents. Prof. Marks Regnerus demonstrates that all of the studies on which this statement is based are significantly flawed. For instance, none of the 59 studies focused on racial or  ethnic minorities , and few studied any such minorities at all. Furthermore, samples were consistently skewed toward economically and socially privileged families. As Marks puts it: “By their own reports, social researchers examining same-sex parenting have repeatedly selected small, non-representative, homogenous samples of privileged les

The APA are wrong on Homosexuality and Kids

Gay Couple with child (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In 2005, the APA declared—in a statement authored by a single activist psychologist—that: …there is no evidence to suggest that…psychosocial development among children of  lesbian women  and gay men is compromised relative to that among offspring of heterosexual parents. Not a single study has found children of lesbian or gay parents to be disadvantaged in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents. Prof. Marks Regnerus demonstrates that all of the studies on which this statement is based are significantly flawed. For instance, none of the 59 studies focused on racial or ethnic minorities , and few studied any such minorities at all. Furthermore, samples were consistently skewed toward economically and socially privileged families. As Marks puts it: “By their own reports, social researchers examining same-sex parenting have repeatedly selected small, non-representative, homogenous samples of privileged

What happens to the kids of homosexuals?

Sex-related outcomes have more consistently revealed distinctions, although the tone of concern about them has diminished over time. For example, while the daughters of lesbian mothers are now widely understood to be more apt to explore same-sex sexual identity and behavior, concern about this finding has faded as scholars and the general public have become more accepting of GLB identities ( Goldberg, 2010 ).  Tasker and Golombok (1997)  noted that girls raised by lesbian mothers reported a higher number of sexual partners in young adulthood than daughters of heterosexual mothers. Boys with lesbian mothers, on the other hand, appear to display the opposite trend—fewer partners than the sons of heterosexual mothers. Therefore it is a lie to say there is no effect. But the LGBT community will continue to ignore and debate any such findings regardless of how legitimate.  Related articles Why it's never too late to be a lesbian ( My Bisexual Guilt (pers

Research: Homosexual Households Endanger Kids

A lesbian couple married in San Francisco in 2004 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A new study , authored by Associate Professor Mark Regnerus from the University of Texas , shows alarming child endangerment in same-sex households: • Parental pedophilia is widespread: 23 percent of children with a lesbian mother reported having been touched sexually by a parent or adult, compared to 2 percent of those raised by biological parents. • Rape is rampant: 31 percent of children raised by a lesbian mother and 25 percent raised by a homosexual man report that they were forced to have sex against their will, compared to 8 percent from intact families. • Sexually transmitted disease (STD) is epidemic: over 20 percent of those brought up by two women and 25 percent raised by two men reported having contracted an STD, compared to 8 percent from natural families. • Suicidal tendencies are startling: 24 percent of children raised by homosexual men and 12% of children raised by lesbian mothers

Life after lesbianism

This article is a follow-up to Dawn Wilde’s  Confessions of a Recovering Lesbian . It was first printed at  and is reprinted with permission. In January,  I wrote  about my struggles with same-sex attraction ( SSA ), while living out my vocation as a Catholic wife and mother. The article was picked up by several Catholic websites and secular blogs. I wrote the article anonymously and considering the vitriol of the comments that followed, I’m glad I did. Especially after reading one man’s enraged, sentence-by-sentence dissection of the piece on a site called Face Punch. There seemed to be three main objections to my testimony: 1. I’m not a “real” lesbian so I shouldn’t be calling myself one; 2. I’m living a false, inauthentic life that’s unfair to my husband and children and that’s bound to self-destruct; and 3. I’m harming people who struggle with SSA by suggesting they can overcome their sexual orientation. I was struck by how important labels are to people. At

‘I promised God that if he would save my baby, I would leave the homosexual lifestyle’

February 6, 2012 ( ) - Lisa Miller, an ex- lesbian who made national headlines during her battle to protect her daughter from a custody transfer to her former sex partner, is now telling the story of her struggle through a book by one of her attorneys, Rina Lindevaldsen. “ Only One Mommy: A Woman’s Battle for Her Life, Her Daughter, and Her Freedom ” (New Revolution Publishers, 2011), gives readers new insights into Miller’s inspiring odyssey from abused and neglected child, through the horrors of sexual and chemical addictions, to redemption through faith in Jesus Christ . Miller’s final act of bravery was her decision to enter into hiding with her child, Isabella, to escape her former lesbian partner Janet Jenkins, who was successfully seeking to transfer custody of Miller’s daughter, Isabella, to herself.  Although Miller remains in hiding, she speaks to readers through journals and letters left with her attorney, and through Lindevaldsen’s own narrative. At the