
Showing posts with the label Julia Gillard

Greens push immoral Homosexual Marriage

Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott are to be placed under renewed pressure to support immoral homosexual marriage rights with the Greens intent on making this hated reform a key election issue. The party also wants to test Mr Abbott's assertion during a 60 Minutes interview last Sunday that he separates his Christian faith from his policy decisions. Greens deputy leader Adam Bandt has secured debating time in the House of Representatives next Monday for his bill establishing equal marriage rights for same-sex couples. The bill aims to remove references to the definition of marriage as being exclusively between a man and a woman but would not require churches to perform same-sex marriages unless they wanted to. A senior Greens strategist revealed the primary aim was to use the election pressure to ''encourage'' Mr Abbott to

More people say no to Homosexual Marriage

One issue that has been in headlines recently is "gay marriage." We were curious to know how federal employees and retirees (most of our readers fall into these categories) react to this subject. In most of the polls on political issues, readers tend to favor the liberal side of the political spectrum. In large part, this is due to economic self-interest. On the issue of gay marriage, however, readers gave a more conservative response. 64 percent of those responding are opposed to legalizing same-sex marriage and 33 percent said they are in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage. Three percent are undecided on the issue. Some of the reasons given for being against same-sex marriage are based on religious beliefs. Some readers think it is destructive to society to allow same-sex marriage. Still others are in favor of civil unions but prefer restricting marriage to a relationship between a man and a woman. Those speaking out in favor of allowing same-sex marriage often viewed i

Legalizing homosexual marriage will not reduce mental health issues.

English: Prime Minister of Australia Julia Gillard at a Q & A Session in Rooty Hill, New South Wales (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The Left knows a great a prize is within its grasp: any law redefining marriage will mandate the new definition with the full force of anti-discrimination law, thus completing the 1960s sexual revolution. Hence the commitment by Jim Wallace , head of the Australian Christian Lobby , to make people understand that laws for gay marriage will crush conscientious objection by parents who oppose the promotion of homosexual behaviour to schoolchildren. Wallace wrote here last December: "If our schools are concerned about discouraging smoking for its seven to 10-year shortening of life, how can we in all honesty encourage a lifestyle for men that shortens it on average by double that?" But when he made similar comments last week in a debate with Christine Milne , the Greens reported him to the Human Rights Commission and Julia Gillard cancelled h

Life expectancy Homosexual men 20 year loss

THE Left knows a great a prize is within its grasp: any law redefining marriage will mandate the new definition with the full force of anti-discrimination law , thus completing the 1960s sexual revolution. Hence the commitment by Jim Wallace , head of the Australian Christian Lobby , to make people understand that laws for gay marriage will crush conscientious objection by parents who oppose the promotion of homosexual behaviour to schoolchildren. Wallace wrote here last December: "If our schools are concerned about discouraging smoking for its seven to 10-year shortening of life, how can we in all honesty encourage a lifestyle for men that shortens it on average by double that?" But when he made similar comments last week in a debate with Christine Milne , the Greens reported him to the Human Rights Commission and Julia Gillard cancelled her speech on "religious freedom in a secular society" to the ACL conference . Wallace's figures are sound: a 20-year loss

Tolerance requires open debate, not closed minds

Julia Gillard speaking at the lanch of the Australian Multicultural Council (AMC) and a new local ambassadors program to champion inclusion and highlight the benefits of Australia’s diversity. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) TOLERANCE has often been a clarion call for the liberal left, but a creeping intolerance in political debate is emerging most fiercely from, of all people, progressives. (The Australian) Those politicians, activists and organisations who seek social change should be especially aware of the need for a plurality of views in open debate. How else to seek progressive change if you are not prepared to hear, discuss and, perhaps, overcome prevailing attitudes? Trying to shout down the status quo or prevent conservative voices from being heard is no way to show respect for mainstream values, much less win people over. We raise this at the end of a week in which Julia Gillard cancelled a speaking engagement with the Australian Christian Lobby because she disagr

Medical and Relational Issues related to Homosexual relationships

Author: Peter Pilt. There has been a lot of media coverage today (6th September 2012), about Jim Wallace ’s comment about the dangers of the Homosexual life style as he compared that lifestyle with smoking.   Medical and Relational Issues related to Gay Marriage Executive Summary : This section of the wiki explains the perspective of several key writers, avoiding emotional and partisan rhetoric that is seen so often in the community at large when gay marriage is debated, and focussing on medically and sociologically verifiable facts and conclusions. The main conclusions, based on available evidence are: Homosexual relationships are generally of short duration Homosexuals are extremely promiscuous and prone to high-risk sexual behaviours. These high risk behaviours lead to a whole serious of physical complications. A number of serious diseases are much more common amo

Why Australian Politicians ignore Homosexual health risks?

Gay rights campaigner and MP Warren Entsch says an apology from the head of the Australian Christian Lobby would not make up for his "highly offensive" comments on homosexuality . Inferring the point of Wallace's argument, that homosexual behaviour is unhealthy. Even USA Gay Magazines articulate the dangers of unprotected se, stating that in a survey that 36% of homosexual men with HIV AIDS were having unprotected sex with other gay men without informing them of their condition.  Politicians ignore health facts and follow the lead of homosexual activists. Jim Wallace has come under pro-homosexual lobby criticism after comparing the health impacts of smoking cigarettes to the health of homosexuals.  Prime Minister Julia Gillard condemned the retired SAS commander's comments and cancelled her plans to speak at the Christian Lobby's national conference next month. It is odd,  that the ACL would even invite the PM considering her live-in boyfriend lifestyle

Why would Gillard ignore homosexual health issues?

The Prime Minister , Julia Gillard , due to pressure from Homosexual activists has pulled out of speaking at the Australian Christian Lobby 's national conference after its leader suggested a homosexual ''lifestyle'' was more hazardous to health than smoking. The group's managing director, Jim Wallace , made the comment in Tasmania this week during a debate on same-sex marriage. Rodney Coomes from the Homosexual lobby did admit to particular health issues that face the homosexual community but attacked Wallace's dated statistics. It has outraged homosexual campaigners, who called for Ms Gillard to distance herself from the standard position of Christianity in that any sexual act outside of heterosexual marriage is sin.  Homosexuals want Gillard not to speak at the ACL conference. It does beg the question why would the ACL want Gillard as their speaker considering the fact that she is the first PM to flout a live-in boyfriend. Such a relationship according