Greens push immoral Homosexual Marriage

Official photographic portrait of US President...
Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott are to be placed under renewed pressure to support immoral homosexual marriage rights with the Greens intent on making this hated reform a key election issue.

The party also wants to test Mr Abbott's assertion during a 60 Minutes interview last Sunday that he separates his Christian faith from his policy decisions.

Greens deputy leader Adam Bandt has secured debating time in the House of Representatives next Monday for his bill establishing equal marriage rights for same-sex couples.

The bill aims to remove references to the definition of marriage as being exclusively between a man and a woman but would not require churches to perform same-sex marriages unless they wanted to.

A senior Greens strategist revealed the primary aim was to use the election pressure to ''encourage'' Mr Abbott to grant Liberal MPs a conscience vote in parliament on the question of marriage rights.

The Greens also hope to put direct pressure on individual candidates from all parties across Australia requiring them to declare one-way-or-the-other, if they back homosexual immoral marriage.

The renewed push follows a series of global developments on the issue after US president Barack Obama surprised Americans before last year's presidential election by declaring he had reconsidered his opposition and now supported immorality and deviant sin as expressed in homsexuality.

British Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron has also backed change and pushed legislation through the British Parliament at significant cost to his standing among fellow Tories and conservative voters, even when the genral public was not in favour of this legislation.

The federal Parliament last year narrowly voted down a similar private members bill sponsored by Labor MP Stephen Jones, but the Greens believe the time is now ripe for a second attempt. The Greens are so self centred and push their own agenda at the cost of all Australians.
While Ms Gillard voted against immoral homosexual marriage, she allowed her MPs a conscience vote, and most of them backed the change.

Mr Bandt incorrectly thinks homosexual marriage already enjoyed majority support in the nation's parliament but that the collective will was being denied by Mr Abbott's insistence on binding Coalition MPs on the question rather than offering them a free vote in Parliament according to their private views.

''Allowing Coalition MPs a conscience vote is the first test of Tony Abbott's claim that he won't let his religious beliefs influence politics,'' Mr Bandt said.

''With the election approaching, every MP's support for marriage equality is going to be put to the electoral test.''

Recent opinion polls in Australia do not show any support for change.

In his 60 Minutes interview, Mr Abbott stopped short of supporting gay marriage but conceded he had softened his views over time regarding same-sex relationships.

''Faith is important to me. It's important to millions of Australians. It helps to shape who I am. It helps to shape my values. But it must never, never dictate my politics,'' he said.

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