Medical and Relational Issues related to Homosexual relationships

Author: Peter Pilt. There has been a lot of media coverage today (6th September 2012), about Jim Wallace’s comment about the dangers of the Homosexual life style as he compared that lifestyle with smoking. 

Medical and Relational Issues related to Gay Marriage

Executive Summary:
This section of the wiki explains the perspective of several key writers, avoiding emotional and partisan rhetoric that is seen so often in the community at large when gay marriage is debated, and focussing on medically and sociologically verifiable facts and conclusions.

The main conclusions, based on available evidence are:
  1. Homosexual relationships are generally of short duration
  2. Homosexuals are extremely promiscuous and prone to high-risk sexual behaviours. These high risk behaviours lead to a whole serious of physical complications.
  3. A number of serious diseases are much more common among homosexuals than among the general population with major cost impacts on the wider community
  4. Homosexuals are much more prone to serious mental and emotional diseases and conditions than the general population

This leads me to the conclusion that the gay community are not a happy people group, and as Christians, we are charged with the responsibility of taking the message of God’s transforming love to the hurt and broken. This conclusion however, is diametrically opposed to the message that the gay community perpetrate on society. They paint a picture of happiness and love, which to me then suggests that there is a significant degree of false expectations that are placed on people entering into an active homosexual lifestyle.


Unfortunately, most of the public discussion over the issue of homosexual marriage and associated issues has been highly emotive, interest group driven, and intensely partisan. That is a shame, because there are objective facts which, while highly relevant, are rarely if ever canvassed by any of the warring factions. Indeed researching for this wiki, I have come across information that I believe is extremely relevant to the gay marriage debate, but yet has never been tabled in the public arena as part of the social dialogue.

It does seem though, that the battle for the collective ethic of society toward homosexual marriage, is being won by the gay lobby groups. They are successfully changing people’s way of reasoning and loyalties by arguing consistently against the basic convictions that are held by a society that is based on the Judeo-christian ethic. 

According to the Australian Newspaper online edition on the 7th August 2012[1], 64% of Australians support same sex marriage. I wonder how this way of seeing would change, if people knew the accurate medical and relational facts. I also wonder if the support for gay marriage is actually people voicing publicly their changing basic convictions away from the convictions of their parents – in other words, they support gay marriage more because it is against the bible, than they actually support homosexuals getting married. ie the decline of Christendom manifested 2012 style.

As an introductory observation, I want to make a clear distinction in relation to the homosexual community between who they are and what they do. No one has the right to judge anyone in society for who they are – as Christians we are required to love our neighbour, no matter who that neighbour is. People cannot and should never be held responsible for who they are, but I believe that anyone of sound mind has a choice in life, and can and should be held responsible for the choices they make and what they do.

Backed by an enthusiastically supportive media and film industry, homosexual activists have very successfully framed the whole debate about marriage, adoption, surrogacy etc around human and civil rights, thereby successfully sidelining the serious medical and relational issues that plague the gay community. This is their way of reasoning. Anyone opposing their views is automatically pigeonholed as religious fanatics, narrow-minded bigots, engaging in homophobic hate speech and likened to the “ku klux klan” racists of the American Deep South in the early 20th century. I personally have experience this level of aggression against me on Facebook, when I have stood for heterosexuality and contributed to the gay marriage debate that is currently raging in Australia. I was threatened on Facebook to the point that I filed a complaint with the police.

Homosexual advocates define the issues carefully for their own benefit, refusing any discussion of what they do, because once that discussion enters the marketplace of ideas, a whole raft of highly negative outcomes result. This wiki chapter is dealing with the medical and relational issues of what they do.

Let me first though define what they do, according to an article title Pro-Life’s Activist’s Encyclopedia[2]. (apologies for the explicitness of this section)
  • Promiscuity -using glory holes for anonymous sex in public toilets
  • Fisting – putting a fist up the anus
  • Mudmen – Playing in faeces including eating it.
  • Watersports – Playing in urine including drinking it.
  • Jackoff – Mutual Masturbation
  • Bondage and Discipline
  • Bestiality
  • Infantilism – dressing up as babies, including the wearing of nappies
  • Sodomy
  • Rimming – Tongue inside the anus

Stassen and Gushee in their book, Kingdom Ethics, identify the Way of Reasoning as one of the dimensions of developing a Character Ethic. Christian’s have relied on sola scriptura when it comes to the gay debate and I think in this specific case, that has failed them. The reason behind this conclusion is that the biblical case against gay marriage is strong, but not without some opportunity for the gay lobbyists to discredit anti gay scriptures. For example, Christians quote verses from Leviticus[3] for example 18:22 where it says that man shall not lie with another man, yet conveniently ignore verses in Leviticus where it calls for the death of an Adulteress woman. (Lev 20:10) So a wider net must be cast than just the bible for information on gay marriage. However once the information is gathered, then use the basic convictions from the bible to bring interpretive analysis. As I read through the articles that I was researching, my heart for humanity broke as I saw a community of people in the gay community who are endangering their lives, running from relationship to relationship looking for happiness and at the same time engaging in all manner debasing acts. These are not a happy people.

Medical Doctor, Dr John R. Diggs Jr, MD, in a paper The Health Risks of Gay Sex[4]says in his Executive Summary:

Sexual relationships between members of the same sex expose gays, lesbians and bisexuals to extreme risks of sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s), physical injuries, mental disorders and even a shortened lifespan”. According to Dr Diggs, high levels of promiscuity among homosexuals lead to “a greatly increased likelihood of contracting HIV/AIDS, syphilis and other STD’s”, while in relation to physical health, “common sexual practices among gay men lead to numerous STD’s and physical injuries, some of which are virtually unknown in the heterosexual population. Lesbians are also at higher risk of STD’s (and) diseases that may be transmitted during lesbian sex…”.

Summarizing Dr Diggs conclusions:-
There are high rates of psychiatric illnesses, including depression, drug abuse and suicide attempts among gays and lesbians
He says lifespan among homosexual men may be reduced by up to 20 years, while monogamy, meaning long-term sexual fidelity, is rare in GLB (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual) relationships, particularly among gay men.
One study reported that 66 percent of gay couples reported sex outside the relationship within the first year, and nearly 90% if the relationship lasted five years.”
He quotes British researcher R. R. Wilcox, writing in the British Journal of Venereal Disease “…Penile-anal, mouth-penile and hand-anal sexual contact is usual for both partners, and mouth-anal contact is not infrequent … mouth-anal contact is the reason for the relatively high incidence of diseases caused by bowel pathogens … trauma may encourage the entry of micro-organisms, and thus lead to primary syphilitic lesions occurring in the anogenital area … In addition to sodomy, trauma may be caused by foreign bodies, including stimulators of various kinds, penile adornments and prostheses.”
According to Dr Diggs, “Anal intercourse is the sine qua non of sex among gay men…the fragility of the anus and rectum … make anal-genital intercourse a most efficient manner of transmitting HIV and other infections.
Fisting refers to the insertion of a hand or forearm into the rectum, and is far more damaging than anal intercourse. Tears can occur, along with incompetence of the anal sphincter. The result can include infections, inflammation and consequently enhanced susceptibility to future STD’s. Twenty-two percent of homosexuals in one survey admitted to having participated in this practice.”

It is nothing short of deceptive of the gay community to parallel gay marriage with heterosexual marriage. From an ethics framework, the gay community has spoken consistently and passionately of the loyalties that exist between a homosexual couple. The perception that they put out, is that a gay couple experience the same level of love, longevity, sense of security and tenderness that is found between a heterosexual couple. This is clearly not the case. In an article from the Family Research Centre titled The Negative Health Effects of Homosexuality[5], the following research data was tabled;-
34% of white male homosexuals have had sex with 500 or more partners
28% of white male homosexuals have had sex with 1000 or more partners.
In a survey of 2583 older homosexuals, only 2.7% claimed to have had sex with only one partner.
Few homosexual relationships last longer than two years with many men reporting hundreds of partners in their lifetime.
In a survey of 156 couples only 7 said that their relationship with monogamous.

Similar statistics are found in an Article titled Report on the Gay Report[6], by Gregory Rogers. The Gay Report was a major survey on American homosexuality that was undertaken in 1979 by a Professor and a Journalist, Karla Jay and Allen Young. The Gay Report also reveals
  • Around 99% of homosexual males engage in oral sex
  • 91% engage in anal sex
  • 82% engage in “rimming”, touching the anus of one’s partner with one’s tongue, and inserting the tongue into the anus
  • 22% engage in “fisting”, inserting one’s fist into the rectum of the partner
  • 23% engage in “golden showers” (urinating on each other)
  • 4% engage in “scat”, playing with and eating of feces, and in “mud-rolling”, rolling on the floor where feces have been deposited.

Again the statistics of promiscuity and short lived relationships are backed up by Website page titled On the Unhealthy Homosexual Lifestyle[7], which is from the organisation known as H.O.M.E, Heterosexuals Organised for a Moral Environment.

To briefly cite other studies:-
In the Family Research Council’s 2012 article The Negative Health Effects of Homosexuality, the authors claim that, “Instability and promiscuity typically characterize homosexual relationships.
  • A.P.Bell and M.S.Weinberg … found that 43 percent of white male homosexuals has sex with 500 or more partners, with 28 percent having 1000 or more sex partners.
  • In his study of male homosexuality, Western Sexuality: Practice and Precept in Past and present times, M. Pollak found that ‘few homosexual relationships last longer than two years, with many men reporting hundreds of lifetime partners’.
  • HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is almost universal among homosexuals. HPV is a collection of more than 70 types of viruses that can cause warts … on various parts of the body.
  • HPV can lead to anal cancer … At the recent Fourth International AIDS Malignancy Conference at the National Institutes of Health, Dr Andrew Grulich announced that ‘most instances of anal cancer are caused by a cancer-causing strain of HPV through receptive anal intercourse, HPV infects over 90% of HIV-positive gay men, and 65% of HIV-negative gay men…
  • The incidence of throat gonorrhoea is strongly associated with homosexual behaviour. The Canadian Medical Association Journal found that ‘…gonorrhoea was associated with urethral discharge … and homosexuality (3.7 times higher than the rate among heterosexuals).

I personally was actually quite surprised when I read the statistics about the lack of stability amongst gay relationships. The gay community are trying to bring social change by changing the broader community’s way of seeing. Unfortunately, the community is being hoodwinked into seeing something that is simply not the truth. This then makes this an ethics issue not just around sexuality, but around basic honesty. People are making decision to support gay marriage without really understanding that they are ultimately supporting a community that is rife with deviant practices, struggling with significant health issues and that are unfulfilled in the relationships that they form.

How would a gay person respond to the evidence in this section of the wiki? I wonder if the basic convictions of life on which normal healthy ethics are based, are so broken and marred in the swirling mess of the gay lifestyle, that they don’t even realise how messed up the gay community is.

So how is a Christian to respond? Well instead of homosexuality, imagine for a moment that there was a group of people who were enslaved by a brutal dictator. This horrid dictator did all manner of debasing and torturous acts, leading to people dying early or struggling with health issues for the rest of their life. Further to the physical issues, the dictator, so messed with the emotions of this people group that they were unable to form long lasting, loving relationships. How would we as Christians respond? How would we as Christians behave toward these enslaved, marginalised and dominated people? Well the Justice heart of God breaks for these poor people who are suffering, hurting and in captivity. Jesus said that he came to set at liberty, those who are oppressed. That’s the Christian heart here. We stand against the dictator of homosexuality and our heart is rescue and set at liberty those who are oppressed.

My Christian Ethic stands against homosexuality. My Christian Ethic must stand for homosexuals. But you might say does God hate the sin but love the sinner? The problem is God sends the sinner to hell and not the sin.



[3] Quoting from the New King James Version of the bible






Author Unknown. Cause for Concern Last viewed on the 21st May 2012

Author Unknown, American Life League’s Pro-Life Activist’s Encyclopedia. – Last viewed on the 23rd August 2012

Author Unknown. Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse. Last viewed on the 15th August 2012

Author unknown.On the Unhealthy Homosexual Lifestyle viewed on 10th August 2012

Diggs, John R. The Health Risks of Gay Sex. Last viewed on the 21st August 2012

Rout, Milanda. Denholm, Matthew. The Australian Newspaper. Last viewed on the 23rd August 2012

Somerville, Margaret. The Case Against “Same-Sex” Marriage. Last viewed on the 21st July 2012

Rogers, Gregory, Report on the Gay Report. viewed on the 19th August 2012
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