Transgender regret and LGBT ideology


LGBT activists deny the overwhelming scientific evidence that males and females are very different in virtually every aspect of their being. These differences are innate and immutable and go well beyond the reproductive organs that a person is born with. 

They include cellular, muscular, and skeletal differences, and even include brain function, the different ways men and women perceive sight and sound, process information, respond to aggression, display emotions and interact with children. It simply is scientifically impossible for a person of one sex to "transition" to be the opposite sex. All they can do is attempt to imitate the opposite sex through the use of powerful drug and hormone therapies, and debilitating surgeries.

We also know from scientific research that there is no scientific evidence to support the theory that people can be born "trapped in the wrong body." LGBT leaders and groups deny this vociferously because it undercuts the entire premise of gender ideology. 

They work overtime using well-worn tactics of intimidation and shaming to shut down any public discussion about the true nature of gender dysphoria, the medical condition that impacts people who claim to be transgender. Their tactics enjoy the support of allies in the traditional media, as well as social media platforms.

An internationally prominent psychologist with decades of experience in helping people with various disorders related to gender identity and sexual orientation recently was blocked by Twitter for sharing views on transgenderism informed by his extensive clinical experience. 

Dr. Ray Blanchard believes that eroticism is at the heart of almost all male-to-female transgender cases. Either these men have an erotic interest in other men, or they have an erotic attachment to the idea of them being a female. Twitter declared that Blanchard's views amounted to "hateful conduct."

The advance of gender ideology and the shutdown of critical inquiry into it have hurt innumerable people, many for life. Not only have countless Americans with traditional values been targeted for attack, but even those who genuinely struggle with issues of gender confusion have been swept up by the movement.

A young woman recently wrote an article detailing her experience with her gender confusion. After seeing countless stories on Instagram and other social media about people who had "solved" their gender issues by medically transitioning, she decided to do the same thing. Her decision was applauded by those on social media and actively aided by medical personnel who, she noted, made a hefty profit in the process. She says that everything she read about transgenderism was in favor of transitioning. She found no articles or books warning about transgender regret or detailing the many health issues associated with the procedures. That is how thorough and complete the LGBT shutdown of information contrary to the pro-transgender narrative has become.

Now, two years later after beginning the process of transitioning to a "trans-male," she describes it as the greatest mistake of her young life. "Two years ago, I was a healthy, beautiful girl heading toward high school graduation. Before long, I turned into an overweight, pre-diabetic nightmare of a transgender man."

It's a tragedy that so many lives are being ruined by the advance of transgender ideology. What's worse, though, is that virtually every Democrat in Congress is committed to making the expression of skepticism or opposition to transgenderism illegal as sex discrimination. 

That's what the grossly-misnamed "Equality Act," which we call the InEquality Act because of the way it imposes major elements of the extreme LGBT agenda, would do. Among other things, the InEquality Act adds "gender identity" to the definition of sex discrimination in federal law.

The InEquality Act is the greatest legislative threat we have ever faced. It's already passed the House of Representatives with the support of every Democrat in the House. So far, with the help of thousands of NOM supporters, we've been able to prevent it from moving forward in the Senate. But with the LGBT shutdown of any criticism of the transgender movement becoming so complete and ingrained, we've got to be ever-vigilant in our opposition to the proposed legislation.

There's a lot of work to do to derail the transgender train and to protect Americans from the many terrible consequences that it poses. Working together we can prevail.

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