LGBT target People of faith via Government

I can't think of another time where people of faith have been under such assault by LGBT extremists. 

The US House of Representatives has passed legislation that would make acting in support of traditional marriage illegal under federal law. That same legislation attempts to strip Americans of their religious liberty rights to live out their beliefs at work and at home.

Two Democrat presidential candidates have declared that churches that refuse to endorse same-sex 'marriage' should lose their tax exemption and be targeted by the government for punishment.

An agency of the federal government, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, has taken it upon itself to attempt to single-handedly rewrite federal law to impose a dangerous gender ideology that claims that a person can change their gender and the entirety of society must accept, accommodate and agree with it. They've sued employers that have refused to allow men dressed as women to serve customers who are in an emotionally fragile state, such as those just experiencing the death of a loved one.

LGBT activists have convinced several federal courts to impose their gender ideology agenda, giving gays, lesbians and the transgendered a powerful hammer to attack people of faith. It will take a ruling of the US Supreme Court to stop this from becoming the law of the land.

A major television network, CNN, has hosted a national town hall featuring Democrat presidential candidates touting their commitment to advancing the LGBT agenda.

For years, the LGBT movement has sought to marginalize supporters of marriage. Now they are determined to shut us down, eliminate our voice entirely from the public square.

We predicted this would happen. But we will never stop fighting for what we know is true and right. Is it time for you to be working in multiple venues to fight for marriage, the truth of gender as a biological reality, religious liberty and the complementarity of men and women?

Can you be active in Congress, state legislatures, the Trump administration, and the courts? 

But perhaps the most important work is done in the court of public opinion. It's there where you can serve as YOUR voice for YOUR values. It's there where we can speak truth to power. It's there where we can rally people to push back against the many excesses of the LGBT movement. It's there where we can influence opinion, shape policies and win elections.

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