Gays Next Target? Churches That Won’t Wed Them

You can laugh all you want to at the thought of gays forcing a church to marry them that doesn’t want to – but churches that don’t tow the gay agenda are up for the next hit by the gay mafia. The gay mafia is just like the Italian mafia, with a protection racket you have to buy into, lest you incur a “hit” on your person, business or group concern.

Who has the gay mafia taken on and taken down? The military, the Boy Scouts, schools, legislatures, some liberal churches, all kinds of businesses – like Chick-fil-A, and others that don’t offer domestic partner benefits, and so on. You don’t pay, you won’t play; or in their case, you don’t accept, you will regret.

Well, the next big target in their gun sights? The conservative churches, such as Catholics, Baptists, Mormons, Jews and so on. Currently, they don’t allow the marriage of same-sex couples, with very few exceptions (typically, rogue priests or pastors), so, therefore, that is non-acceptance; all the gay mafia hears is, “We don’t accept you!”. 

Not, “We think you’re ok, but we’re just not into marrying you guys; can’t you accept that and move on?”. No, no, no…now it’s an issue for them to take on, a beach to take, an unclimbed mountain, an unbroken ground. For you see, they are not only a mafia, but a magnanimous, holier-than-and-more-enlightened-than-thou persona, a crusader in a great cause, and they can only fancy themselves as those things when they are something to fight against.

The church.
The last island of “no”, with the sole survivor of history, who should not be rescued and lauded, but killed. Kill God. Kill God's word - the Bible.

Is this an extreme statement?

It sounds extreme, doesn't and yet it is happening right now. But you think that the church is protected – that separation of church and state thingy, which protected the Catholic church so well from the tyranny of Obamacare, and it's mandated healthcare including abortion, that it must provide birth control and abortifacients. 

Yes, that separation of Church and state. It’s an unusual wall, really. It will do very good at keeping anything evenly remotely religious from a school or public building but allows all kinds of cages to be thrown back over the wall onto religious organizations.

Gays and the church 

Churches will be their target soon. The Catholic Church in Australia has been the target by their national government-funded TV and Radio network the ABC.  

First, they will try forcefully trying to marry in say, a Catholic church.; they will be rejected. The sympathetic and complicit liberal media will pick up on the stories, and run with them, showing the poor gay men as really good Catholics, that just want to marry in the church they’ve always loved, have given a lot of money too, and served, why won’t that mean old church let them? 

Next step will be lawsuits, citing discrimination, which I believe will fail, but they will still win even if they lose – they will punish the church with lawyer fees and bad press, inciting their parishioners who were on the fence about the issue, turning them against their own church; after all, we are God’s children, and suppose to love all of God’s children, right? 

Meaning, of course, anything goes that someone wants to do, and by letting them get married in our church we show just how loving we are – or how much a doormat we are. Since this will still not be enough to compel the church to marry gays, the next tactic is the liberal’s most favorite – legislation.

But, you will assert, surely no law can be brought to force the church to marry gays; the Supreme Court would strike it down – and for the next 100 years, I’d say you’re right. But as the saying goes, there is more than one way to skin a cat. They will elect legislators in favor of revoking a church’s – or all churches – tax exempt status. 

Hit ’em where it hurts! And yes, you will find legislators that will do this, especially in the liberal bastions of the Northeast and West Coast of America. The monetary situations of churches already are tenuous, and having to pay a high tax rate will make it catastrophic. No money, no churches; no churches, no place to have organized religious services – which suits many liberals just as well, as they are often dismissive about religion anyway.

So, my friends, have I made my case? Look at what the gay mafia has done in the past; it’s the best way to predict their future behavior.

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