Around the world, June should be anything but ‘Pride or Sodomy Month’

Is there any religious, political, or another social group that secures – demands – the attention of the whole globe for an entire month?

Just one: The LGBT Cabal – the elite coterie of persons who wage war daily against natural law and nature’s God. Around the world, in almost every nation, June is “Pride Month.” For 30 days the world’s billions are expected to remain in the thrall of LGBT ideology and its adherents.

Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, Rhode Island, recently issued a statement on Twitter warning Catholics about events that celebrate gay pride month.
"Catholics should be very wary of events in the June LGBTQ month. It’s not a fun-filled, family-friendly celebration of respect. It promotes a lifestyle and agenda that, in the extreme, is morally offensive."

Why hasn’t every bishop sounded the alarm as Bishop Tobin has?

Let’s face it: The term "Pride Month" as used by gays is a euphemism, a ruse. June is more appropriately called “Sodomy Month,” because sodomy is the glue that holds the entire movement together and drives it forward. It’s the reason the LGBT acronym exists.

There are other non-euphemistic terms that accurately describe the many-faceted nature of Pride Month. June could easily be identified as:

How about “Anti-Complementary, Anti-Conjugal Marriage Month?” That would be especially appropriate in America since gays observe the anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’ ruling in favour of same-sex ‘marriage’ in June 2015.

Gays, lesbians, transgenders, and their progressive allies celebrate all these during June, although they are careful not to mention these things aloud in mixed company. To tell the truth would be counterproductive.

In essence, June is now both “Anti-Humanity & Anti-God Month,” in stiff but unacknowledged competition with Christianity’s Easter Season-through-Pentecost upon whose heels June always follows. “Gay Pride” certainly receives more media attention.

It’s diabolical that “Pride Month,” which celebrates and peddles acts that tie people to this world –– leading to both impoverished lives and death –– is positioned to quickly counteract the New Life that Easter brings and to overshadow our divine inheritance through the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

One reasonably concludes that the prince of this world – the field marshal who has been masterminding the sexual revolution since its beginning – is behind this “celebration” named “Pride.”

Given my druthers, I’d dub June “Come and Join Satan in Mocking Christ and His Bride, the Church Month.”

Any of these is far more accurate than the euphemistic “Pride Month,” which nowadays elicits nothing more than a shrug of the shoulders from most people. Society’s nonchalance toward LGBTism is precisely what allows it to dig deeper into our culture – now a knotted mess of deeply sunk roots from which it becomes increasingly difficult to extricate our personal lives, our families, our communities, our government and even the Church.

It’s no wonder that chaste same-sex-attracted Christians, many of whom identify as “ex-gay” or “ex-transgendered,” speak more loudly to warn society about what is happening than do most members of the Catholic Church hierarchy who tend to remain silent when it comes to the relentlessly advancing gay agenda: The former LGBTs know what is going on and many sense the ultimate source – and threat – of LGBTism.

With the exception of a few, most clergies are unlike Cardinal Robert Sarah, who has asked his fellow bishops and priests to not deprive the same-sex attracted from the hard parts of the Gospel but to lavish the same-sex attracted with its life-giving truth.

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