Commonsense pushing back LGBT ideology

Gay rights advocates in Oklahoma are launching a campaign to stop a bill they say will codify the ability of religious-based adoption agencies to discriminate against same-sex couples seeking to adopt. Like all LGBT groups they must silence and dominate any and all opposition. They will use the courts, verbal threats, verbal abuse and mockery to achieve their sinful, immoral, broken lifestyle homosexual dominance.

Freedom Oklahoma Executive Director Troy Stevenson said Monday the bill is unnecessary and would deny children the right to a loving family. But this is less than truthful as gay families do not give children a mother and a father but a perverted version of a family. They use the word 'loving family' but it is a distorted love.

Senate Bill 1140 is being well promoted by faith-based groups including the Catholic Conference of Oklahoma and the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. It would protect child-placing agencies that block adoptive parents who do not meet the agency's religious or moral standards. This is a good things because the LGBT community are hell bent on pretending they are no different if not better than a normal God-ordained family. The children become the experiment under these circumstances.

The religious groups say such a law is necessary to protect the religious liberty of faith-based adoption providers who may have policies to assist only heterosexual, married, Christian couples to adopt. This is a good healthy law against the blind homosexual ideology.

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