Lesbian extremist - Equal Employment Commissioner

By now you've probably heard of President Trump's disturbing decision to nominate Chai Feldblum, a radical LGBT extremist, to a critically important civil rights post as a Commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

This job puts her in the position of shaping federal law to make supreme LGBT claims and to punish Christians and other people of faith who do not want to personally be involved in affirming the gay agenda, such as same-sex 'marriage.' That is exactly what she wants to do.

Feldblum was the first out LGBT person to serve on the commission, a federal government agency that issues charges of discrimination and authorizes the filing of discrimination lawsuits. It sometimes differs with other parts of the government – for instance, it still holds that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the federal law against sex discrimination, covers discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The Justice Department, under Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, has reversed the stance taken during the Obama administration that Title VII applies in these cases.

Feldman is an avowed lesbian who firmly believes that there is no situation where the constitutionally-guaranteed right of religious liberty would prevail in a legal case where Christians are in a conflict with the interests of gay or lesbian individuals. She's openly questioned whether marriage is even necessary in modern society and she's said that it is essential that the law be used aggressively to affirm the "dignity" of gays and lesbians when Christians refuse to support them. 

While we appreciate President Trump's work to support religious liberty in other contexts, his nomination of this radical lesbian activist will cause real and lasting damage to people of faith who want nothing more than to be left alone by gay activists so that they can live out their religious beliefs about marriage and other issues in peace in their private lives and at work.

We are all-in to prevent the confirmation of Chai Feldblum to the EEOC.

Whether President Trump comes to his senses and withdraws this incredibly divisive nomination, or whether the Senate simply refuses to go along, we have to do everything possible to ensure that Ms. Feldblum is not in a position to bend the law in favor of gays and lesbians and against people of faith.

Our ability to stop the nomination of Chai Feldblum depends on the response we receive from you. The US Senate is on recess until April 6th, and we need to be ready to roll as soon as they get back to the Capitol. If anything this person is simply biased.

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