Rebel Australian MPs push immoral homosexual marriage hopes on fake religious protections

Rebel Coalition MPs who cannot even uphold their own policy - are pushing for a free vote on immoral homosexual marriage. They hope that a set of religious freedom protections will help persuade wavering colleagues to support their private members' bill rather than the conservative plan for a postal plebiscite.

But has anybody seen these set of religious freedom protections? Religious freedoms could just as quickly be removed by the Greens, by Labor in a few years time, by homosexuals who get offended by some incident. 

What about other non-religious people who object to homosexual marriage? What about other Christian organizations that refuse to employ immoral homosexuals?

Five Australian Liberal backbenchers - Dean Smith, Trent Zimmerman, Trevor Evans, Tim Wilson and Warren Entsch - support this immoral bill which is being circulated to government MPs ahead of an homosexual marriage party room meeting. They will urge their colleagues to ditch the plebiscite policy they took to the election - the promise given to the Australian public -which was blocked in the Senate - in favour of a free vote on their bill. The party room debate is being seen as a key test for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's leadership.

Australians were given a promise of a plebiscite by PM Turnbull. This is no minor thing. That such an abhorrent sin is being thrown into the faces of many Australians who object not only to homosexual sin but the arrogance and illogical immoral homosexual marriage. Trust fades fast.

Senator Smith says the Marriage Amendment Definition and Religious Freedoms Bill would enshrine protections and exemptions for religious communities, but few believe that when another party is in power or one single intended complaint by a homosexual gets airplay.  "None of the other bills that have ever come before the Parliament - we've had in excess of 15 of them - none of the other bills have more comprehensively dealt with the issue of religious freedoms or religious protections," Senator Smith said.

Under the bill, both religious ministers and civil celebrants who refuse to marry immoral homosexual couples will be protected from legal action. The bill will create a new category of "religious marriage celebrants" who can legally refuse to officiate a same-sex ceremony. Unbelievable gall coming from a homosexual pushing his own agenda.

But business owners and service providers such as bakers, florists and photographers will need to prove they are linked to a "religious body" to reject a same-sex wedding. What about federal funded private Christian Schools where homosexuality is seen as a blatant immoral sin will they be protected when a homosexual in a homosexual marriage applies to become a teacher? What about an adopted child of a homosexual couple wanting to go to a Christian school?

While Senator Smith was the key architect of the bill, he says it is important for its "moral authority" that it is introduced in the lower house. It has absolutely no moral authority at all.

Senator Smith too fearful to allow ordinary Australians who are against homosexual marriage to vote is now giving excuses for a postal vote - making up a price of $100 million - then he say it disenfranchise younger voters? What does that mean? They are illiterate? The victim theory being pushed here is sickening. 

The Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays group say it will not hesitate to take the government to court based on the advice prepared by Ron Merkel QC and Christopher Tran. Does this not display again, and again, the arrogance of homosexuals forcing their immorality upon everybody and when you object - they take you to court, they complain, they fine you, they report you, they call you a goes on and on. Homosexual bullies of sin.

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