Pastors say no to homosexual sin

We have a responsibility to “hold fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching” so as “to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict” (Titus 1:9). 

While it is possible that some may view the Bible's position on homosexuality as inflammatory, unloving, or even unchristian, the opposite is actually the case. In accordance with Titus 1:9, exhortation with the truth (sound doctrine) and the refutation of that which is false is a nonnegotiable duty for the Christian minister

Christian ministers must instruct and refute. Some ideas are bad and wrong—these must be exposed for the health of the church and the honor of Jesus Christ. Beware of false accusations on both sides of this controversy. Pastors do not believe that every homosexual is a child molester or that homosexuality is the unpardonable sin. 

Conversely, it must be acknowledged that our disagreement with homosexuality—in proclivity or in practice—as consistent with biblical morality does not render us hateful. Pastors are not homophobic, legalistic, or sinfully judgmental, and the true definitions of these terms are often ignored when they are applied to those who disagree with the homosexuality advocates’ view.

Christian ministers, if they are to be faithful shepherds, must present the truth in a truthful way. We must be Christian in our doctrine and in our duty. Presenting the truth in this way is an expression of faithfulness to God and God’s people, and is, therefore, loving. We, therefore, submit this book for the glory of God and the strengthening of His church.

White, J. R., & Niell, J. D. (2002). The Same Sex Controversy: Defending and Clarifying the Bible’s Message about Homosexuality (pp. 22–23). Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers.

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