Parent Politician Argument for Lesbian Marriage - faulty logic

An Australian politician advocating for gay marriage -my response in red

The Fact My Daughter Can't Marry Is Unacceptable In 2016. 

There is much being said about marriage equality and the plebiscite from both sides of the House. It is my view that this issue is fundamentally one of human rights and equality. Every citizen on this Earth deserves to be treated with dignity and respect and to have his or her human rights recognised and valued regardless of their race, religion, sexuality or culture.

Except the fact that homosexuality is not a human right

But for me, this is a deeply felt and personal issue. My husband and I have three wonderful children. The eldest is a young man who has a nine-year-old son and a four-week-old daughter; he is engaged to be married. Our second child is a daughter who is married and has two beautiful children; a seven-year-old daughter and a four-year-old son. And our youngest daughter is engaged to her same sex partner but cannot marry in this country.

We have not met this family, but based on her comments we may deduce the following: Here is a home - with parents living in a post-modern mindset - believe anything -no moral world - create your own morals. She was a Labor candidate - Labor is pro-gay marriage. 

It is therefore, understandable she doesn't challenge her daughter, regarding her lesbianism but simply follows the gay agenda and thinking which has influenced so many people. Slogans instead of argument. 

My youngest daughter tells me she realised she was a lesbian when she was 14 years old in Grade 9, and it took her until she left school and commenced work before she was able to tell her wider family and friends that she was a lesbian. 

Why didn't this family correct the false notion of their teenager and allow her to continue down a destructive path? Surely, she was corrected over other moral issues? Why not homosexuality? 

Answer: Because the gay agenda says if you are gay you are okay. But now research clearly shows there is no such thing as 'homosexual orientation' but simply sinful lust. Should we soften that statement and say confused - and not sinful probably? 

God has clearly declared homosexuality and lesbianism as a prime example of the degradation of sin. Yes, the gay advocates ignore this to their heath and spiritual peril. But unless we start to call homosexuality sin - nothing will change and the inner turmoil of many will continue. 

I cannot imagine just how hard it was for her as a young adolescent to work through where her life was going into the future, knowing that there would be people in her community who would not understand her life situation.

Why do we hear all the time that people who choose this lifestyle are depressed and anxious - I would suggest it is the lifestyle itself,  first and foremost and not the negative community response. Gay friendly countries are still showing the same levels of depression and anxiety amongst homosexual marriages. But some choose to ignore these facts and reject the concept of a disordered lifestyle.

She did, in that time, have bouts of depression and anxiety, but to her credit and strong will she survived and has grown into a beautiful, confident young woman, who is now in a committed relationship and has become engaged but cannot get married.

As a mother, it breaks my heart to think that my youngest child is not considered equal to her older brother and sister in terms of her ability to get married. I find this absolutely and totally unacceptable in 2016. The most important thing to me in my life is my family and my children.

Marriage equality doesn't provide equality for a brother who wants to marry a sister. Discrimination is inbuilt into traditional marriage for a reason. Children who love each other can't marry. So it is not just about love. 

It is also about biological design, evolution of the species, children having both a dad and a mum. All parents want the best for their children - but historically homosexuality has been a risky disordered lifestyle that is both fruitless with regards to children and society, but is also contains inherent contradictions.

Throughout my working life I have stood up for the rights of the most vulnerable people in our society. I have worked with people who have become severely mentally ill as a result of their sexuality. I have seen a friend bashed senseless just because he was gay. I just cannot accept that this is good enough.

I have spoken with many LGBTI people in my electorate who are so worried about a plebiscite and the impact on them and their families. 

Yes I agree hatred is unacceptable.  But a disagreement over a disordered lifestyle is not hatred. But again I would suggest, the homosexual lifestyle being a disordered life - carries within it, problematic mental health issues which homosexual marriage does not solve. Marriage can't make people equal.

As long as I have breath in my body I will fight for marriage equality so that my daughter and the many other LGBTI people in our communities can have the joy of marrying the person that they love.

As long as I have breath in my body I will fight for traditional marriage and recommend those who believe they are LGBTI inclined in our communities to seek wisdom and repentance from God. By doing this, the hand of judgement is removed and the Holy Spirit brings healing and wholesomeness to the person. I do feel for families like this and I have compassion but when sin is ignored - and then rebadged into a lifestyle - it carries brokeness for life. God is not mocked.

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