If we can fall for the idea that a man can "marry" another man, we can fall for anything.

Any society which can so quickly fall for something like the normalization of a man “marrying” another man will soon fall for anything and everything. Pedophilia, bestiality, polygamy, Communism, Nazism, Seriously, why not? If we can’t defend marriage from this assault then everything, and I mean everything is up for grabs. It signals a dangerous direction for such a society.

Our enemies will be sitting back waiting for us to self-destruct, which we will. If you remove the foundations from a house, the house can no longer stand. It is that simple.

The rapid speed with which homosexual “marriage” has bullied its way into Western societies and found limited resistance is just the beginning. If we can offer no answers against this surely we can offer no answers against anything.

As proof of this, the 2015 “Woman of the Year” is a man named Bruce! Say no more. Reality has left the West.

In our society’s attempt to become “secular” and to rebel against God, we have not really gotten rid of religion at all, we have just swapped religions to evolution based “Secular Humanism,” a religion which worships and serves self, rather than God. It is a bit like as if clay pottery, rebelling against the pot maker, says to the one who made it, “you don’t exist, therefore I will live as I please.” Such folly always results in lots of broken pots.

Historically such blind rebellion has always led to dishonest, selfish, hedonistic, immoral living and ultimately brings brokenness and great harm to individuals, communities and especially to a society’s children. Such societies do not last! They are self-defeating in many ways.

Ironically, the pro-homosexual movement depends on the theory of evolution to supposedly allow them to push God out of the picture and enable immoral living without being haunted by conscience. Of course this is impossible, so they need to rebel more and more in hate filled tirades and campaigns against the God they claim doesn’t exist. Yet, they can never push Him far enough away, not even into outer space (if Aliens planted humans on earth we still have the question, “Well who made them?)

An irony of the homosexual ideological takeover of the West comes from the fact that evolutionists claim we humans are evolving into higher beings, becoming better etc. Yet, the human race cannot even continue to apparently evolve if men stop impregnating women and new human beings are born. A man and a man or a woman and a woman cannot make a baby. So those societies who embrace homosexuality as good and normal become self-defeating. Our enemies love this part.

Of course, they respond that the modern god called “science” can find a way around this by IVF, surrogacy etc. But again, no-one is thinking of the children. The motives for doing this are mostly to satisfy adult selfishness and to “prove” a point that traditional families are not necessary, or the extreme feminist cry of “we do not need men.”

But these irresponsible, selfish adults are not concerned for the children. Many of the homosexual lifestyle community have no inclination to have children anyway. They are too selfish to share their life with a dependent child. There will be children born from this mess but the self-centred “parents” will soon tire of them when they realize the work and expense involved.

Picture what will be going on in the homes of those homosexuals who do manage to buy children. Their whole lifestyle is in general all about getting sexual satisfaction as often as they can. The word “restraint” is abhorrent to most of them. What sort of an environment will it be for a little boy or girl to grow up hearing and seeing two men sodomizing each other and doing all the other things they do to each other every day?

This is child abuse, but the “responsible adults” in charge of our nation have neglected their duty of care as guardians of our children. Daniel Andrews, the Victorian Premier, is championing the legalization of this sort of thing.

The rise to power of the homosexual militants has seemingly been swift, yet started with force when the sexual revolution began to undermine marriage and family back in the 1960’s. The movement is now gathering speed and having started with the universities, have now taken over most of the media sector, infiltrated parliament and are presently in the middle of a full frontal attack on the West. They will take no prisoners. Anyone who opposes them will be taken down one way or another.

The Same-sex (SS) movement are but one enemy at the gates of the West, though they are the most advanced. But as the homosexual community birth rate declines, and the birth-rate of communities with different (and quite ruthlessly anti-homosexual), but still Totalitarian, ideologies continue to increase rapidly (e.g. Islam), things will change as dramatically in the next generation as it is now.

It is telling that the Muslim community is relatively quiet on the same-sex marriage debate. I think this is because they probably can’t believe their luck that a Trojan horse such as this could be working in tandem with their own efforts to infiltrate Western society. The SS juggernaut will just hasten the demise of the West and allow Islam to fill the void, as their percentage of the vote increases in 10-20 years due to their men having 4+ wives each and 10+ children per wife.

Ironically, when Sharia law takes a hold in Australia, possibly in 10+ years’ time, homosexual behavior will not only become a crime again, but it will be possibly be punished with extreme severity.

Once the SS Trojan horse enters Australia’s legal system there is pretty much nothing standing in the way of Sharia law or anything else out there. Right on cue the pedophiles are now getting in on the act and using the destructive homosexual, "Born this way," deception tactics to try to normalize their sick depravity. Read about it here. What comes after this, as the tsunami of hatred and immorality gathers force, I am too scared to contemplate.

No doubt this is how the Nazi's were able to take control of Germany in the 1930s. Starts with something seemingly small which has a ring of acceptability behind it, but then...

Highly respected Australian commentator Paul Kelly has picked up on this and says there are legitimate and urgent questions about the real ideology of the same-sex marriage campaign. “Is it merely to allow gays to marry? Or is its ultimate purpose to impose ‘marriage equality’ across the entire society, civil and religious? Ideologies do not normally stop at the halfway mark.”

Where are we going as a society? What has happened to reality? What has happened to all the real men who are supposed to be protecting our children from this insanity?

Is this the world our forefathers fought and died for? There is no freedom in doing any of these crazy things we are now told we should celebrate, and which we are no longer even allowed to speak out against. Fear has replaced freedom. Why are we allowing corporates like ANZ, Nandos, AFL etc to proactively promote sodomy to our children just so a few selfish adults can try to feel better by "normalizing" their deviant ways? If they really are "born this way" why are they trying so fervently to get our children to join them in their sexual immorality?

Once truth is more fully abolished by our secular pro-sodomy elite and our nation’s foundations are smashed up beyond repair nothing else we hold dear will be able to withstand the onslaught from the other enemies at our gates. Is this the country we want for our children?

I suggest that there is a movement here, which has many leaders and proponents with different agendas:
A political, big government ideology. They see a clever way of increasing government’s stranglehold on individual’s lives, freedoms, money, etc.
Pure and simple old fashioned social anarchy. These people just hate everything good, feel oppressed and want to take power and then destroy everything for very flowery, un-thought out reasons.
The militant homosexual movement. They want to normalize their sexual behavior and impose it on society to appease their consciences and get payback.
The radical anti-Christian branch of the secular humanists, who see this as an absolutely inspired way of hitting Christians and Jews with a very big stick with one swift change of one law.
Then there is a genuine but small group of homosexuals who actually do want to get married for love sake. I fear that this latter minority group are being manipulated and used by the others. Of course they do not mind, and they mostly do not like Christians either so are happy with the progress.

All of these participants in this anti-traditional marriage movement have one thing in common: they are against religion. They are all for a secular society where God has no part to play. They don’t understand though that rather than getting rid of religion, they are simply swapping all the other religions for one totalitarian religion called “secular humanism.”

This is where the big danger comes in for everyone, not because Christians are persecuted or offended or anything like that, but because all Australian’s will be losers due to the reduced personal freedoms and because this will only be the start of the assault.

“How so?” you ask. Well, changing the marriage law will most likely eventually lead to regulating churches, banning the Bible and imprisoning Christians and Jews, simply because their strongly held beliefs about homosexual behavior will be treated as hate speech and the juggernaut will take no prisoners in making sure Christian’s are dealt with for their “offensive” bigotry. This is clearly the next step after they smash up the marriage laws.

“So what?” I hear the majority of Australian’s say. “I am not a Christian or a Jew, so it won’t affect me.” Really? That is where the majority of Australian’s cannot see past the daily “media mob” headlines calling for Christians to be thrown to the lions and SS “marriage” to be legalized immediately.

People are not thinking it through. True, it may only be Christians and Jews at first, and then maybe some other Bible believing religious nutters. But you say, “that is their fault for being so wacky and believing that stuff about God making us instead of the evolutionary scientific proof which obviously tells the truth that we just came from nothing,” (although the scientists can’t tell us where the “nothing” came from).

The problem is though that totalitarian, fascist bullies don’t stop, they keep going. We have seen it all before but we haven’t done a good job of passing this history onto the next generation and so our youth don’t know about it.

Martin Niemoller has a helpful quote which says, “In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.”

We could change it slightly to read something like:

“They came first for the Christians, but I thought they deserved it so I didn’t speak up. Then they closed down churches, but I don’t go to church so I didn’t speak up. Then they banned some books including the Bible, which I didn’t read anyway so I didn’t speak up. Then they banned all old people over 50 from voting, nationalizied all the universities, “simplified” the electoral process and banned all minority parties and independents, leaving just the ALP, Malcolm’s Liberal Party (MLP) and the Greens.

Then these three decided they were all pretty similar anyway so they merged to form Malcolm’s Labour Green Party, and again I didn’t really care much. But then they euthanized my Dad because he spoke up against the party. Then there was a civil war which the Muslims won. They chopped lots of heads off and turned all the Christian churches into prisons for all the homosexuals. Then people finally started thinking about God, who in His mercy saved thousands of them and then they realized that same-sex marriage really was a very big can of worms.”

The militant movement want to indoctrinate children to embrace this dangerous sex act of sodomy and therefore create a larger number of converts and followers. Their rallying cry is that they are “born this way,” yet they are hell bent on making converts and recruits. It is a religion to them. Just look at the Australian government sponsored website “Safe Schools.”

The “Born this way” deception is one of the smartest yet most dangerous ideas to ever be conceived and will possibly be responsible for defeating the West. It is directly responsible for untold suicide deaths of young people falling for the lie that unnatural sex acts are somehow now not unnatural.

Filling a void in our modern generation, they have perpetrated a massive deception, especially on our youth (the YouTube generation), feeding them with a false “cause” to fight for. They openly compare the homosexual cause to the cause to abolish apartheid! How valid is this though, and will the next generation look back in disgust and horror that their fickle and shallow forefathers could have been so gullible as to champion something like this on such a scale.

Or, God forbid, will they slide even further down into the confused relativist moral abys and have their own “causes,” maybe fighting for an animal’s right to marry a human? Or maybe a fishes right to vote, given that they will supposedly evolve into a human one day!

The whole militant movement to promote and elevate homosexuality has been so successful in many ways that, giddy with their success, and backed by a compliant mainstream media urging them forward, they are powering on with seemingly unstoppable force. Where will it lead though?

As there was most definitely a need in the past for women to be defended and given equality and freedom from discrimination and degradation (i.e. given the vote and made equal with men as they most definitely are), and as there was a need for people of different shades of skin color to be protected (i.e. to abolish apartheid), I believe there was no doubt a need for change as far as our societies attitude toward homosexuals (as with any and all of us sinful human beings) to be protected from vilification, persecution and discrimination. But that is as far as the similarities with the women’s rights and racial rights movements should go.

This juggernaut has gone too far. As with all such movement throughout history it has gone to dangerous extremes. The most distressing thing about it is that it is causing such damage to our children in many ways.

With modern wars easily managed almost by remote control (therefore not really interfering with our day to day lives), no financial hardships (due to our love of debt and deficits), instant gratification, focus on self (and our selfish “rights”) rather than others, etc, our current generation of spoilt young people especially have got it so easy, compared to past generations, that the only cause they can find to champion is to fight for a man’s “right” to “marry” another man, and a woman’s “right” to “marry” another woman!!!

This movement to normalize the act of a man “marrying” another man (and all the sexual practices which go along with that), and a women to “marry” another woman (and all the sexual acts which go along with that) is quite frankly ridiculous.

There is simply no equal comparison with the freedom movements of women’s rights or apartheid, or freeing Jews from the Nazis. For example there is no true freedom in encouraging a boy or man to put his penis in another boy or man’s anus, which is designed to excrete human waste, not to put things into. Yet this is what the leaders of this movement want to normalize.

Their methods have been incredibly successful. The soldiers of this movement have so successfully infiltrated, bullied, persuaded and effectively won over or taken over the major movie and TV sitcom production industry, the music industry and the mainstream media, that they are in a position of such power that the politicians must bow the knee if they 1- Want to be re-elected (which they all do); and 2- If they want to prevent the onslaught of public bullying causing such pain and destruction threatened upon them by the movement if they stand against them (and who wants that).

The prevalence of TV sitcoms and YouTube music videos with the storylines and blatant images of men kissing men (and worse) and women kissing women (and worse), deliberately promoting homosexual acts as being good and normal to our youth, along with the methods of revising history with no regard for truth by portraying historical figures from the past as being homosexuals, is an obvious planned attempt to inflict major social change on our youth, and infect our society with all the destruction which accompanies widespread immorality.

“Considering the disproportionate incidence of substance abuse, mental health problems, disease, mortality, and suicide among homosexuals, loving them as Christ loved is not affirming their choices and practices, but challenging them to live in accordance with the created purpose of sexuality and encouraging them in their efforts to do so.” [1]

On 24th August in the year 410 after Jesus Christ, ruthless, hate and greed filled barbarian armies sacked Rome, a symbol of a once mighty empire at the height of its self-focused, hedonistic debauchery, seemingly overnight, with such viciousness and speed that the shockwaves were felt far and wide. “The sacking of 410 is seen as a major landmark in the fall of the Western Roman Empire. St. Jerome, living in Bethlehem at the time, wrote that "The City which had taken the whole world was itself taken.”[2]

As selfish adults in Australia, and throughout the West, continue to support and celebrate the rampaging armies of the current hedonistic juggernaut smashing the foundations of our civilized society, it is time to say “enough is enough.”

Even in a so-called “secular” society, adults are still supposed to be the responsible people who look out for, protect and defend children.

The current juggernaut hell-bent on destroying Australia’s civilization, bears the hallmarks of both the barbarian hoards who attacked Rome, and the pleasure-seeking, self-focused, debauchery of the Romans themselves at the time.

Enemies can rise up quickly and gather momentum and resources to propel their armies forward. Just think of what we have seen with the rise of ISIS in a very short period of time. We possibly don’t know who it is yet, but history tells us there is a ruthless army waiting to exploit and sack the West.

The time may even be near, as the new wave of self-focused, hedonistic debauchery becomes the new norm and replaces the Christian foundations, and indeed enters a phase of seeking to eradicate all remnant influences of these foundations through silencing free speech, discrimination, persecution, changing laws, revising history (bearing false witness on the dead by increasingly proclaiming that famous people long dead, and unable to refute their claims, were homosexuals), indoctrinating school children, forcing churches and church schools to employ “Trojans” to speed the process, etc, etc.

The 'Born This Way' slogan is by far one of the most powerfully reckless, destructive, poisonous deceptions ever spread over our world. It may well achieve what Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mao could only dream about. Three simple words which have the destructive power of an army. [3]

Totalitarian politicians have for centuries tried to find ways of removing all political opposition so they can rule unopposed. These three words have done it. Joseph Goebbels would have loved this. No need for political debates, or even elections!

Homosexuals first, then transgender, then pedophiles, then remove all religious opposition, then the political opponents etc.

As this big-deception rolls on, there really seems to have been no consideration whatsoever for children by supposedly “responsible” politicians, media, and obviously not by the proponents and soldiers of the community or the juggernaut.

Children normally require protection by adults not from adults. Not anymore!

This not so grand social re-engineering experiment, in its attempt to destroy the God-ordained institutions of family and marriage, is about to unleash a wave of child abuse unlike anything seen before. This abuse comes in many forms.

It comes from destroying the ability of boys and girls (let alone normal men and women) to have and enjoy normal, healthy, platonic friendships with each other. As a boy develops a normal friendship with another boy, his friends, and society generally, already quickly label them as “homosexuals,” and they then withdraw from all friendships and become isolated, or worse.

The good old days of being able to have “good mates” is already a thing of the past thanks to the homosexualization of Australia. Having kidnapped a happy word there now seems nothing particularly happy about the word “gay” remaining. Certainly the fruit of the homosexual worldview is far from happy, especially for the children.

And this is just one example of how the homosexual agenda actually increases discrimination rather than restrains it, as they claim is their objective!

It also comes from “normalizing” sexual practices which are unnatural, unhealthy and destructive. By so normalizing the practice of a man sodomizing[4] another man, and legitimizing the practice (through hoodwinking politicians, the media, the judiciary, and bullying society into silent submission) the message is sent very loudly to our nation’s children that this is okay and normal.

They are then persuaded by adults to, “try it, you might like it,” or “you never know until you try it.” Pedophilia is already on the rise, and because of the homosexual bullies it is forecast to become rampant. And why not. If “responsible” adults and society now tell children that sodomy is good and proper, then of course they will accept that.

The resulting increase in tying up Australia’s police resources and justice system in tackling this insidious monster of pedophilia then affects every single taxpayer.

Child sexual abuse is and has mostly been historically perpetrated by homosexual men against boys. These men have in the past infiltrated the Catholic Church and boys schools, thinking they could carry out their depravity unchecked.

They have, more of late, as they have become emboldened by the marauding armies of Sodom (dressed in the uniforms of rock stars, politicians, media and judiciary), taken over liberal protestant church congregations in Australia, inviting in and welcoming into church membership, sodomy practicing homosexual men, who are freely able to “befriend” and “groom” children, in an environment where children are used to trusting adults.

Ironically we see in Australia the political and judicial arms investigating child sexual abuse through things like Senate Committee investigations and Royal Commissions, yet at the same time, the same government is on the verge of making it legal for men to marry men, to freely sodomize each other and thus to send the harmful message to our nation’s children that this is okay.

The future Royal Commissions into child sexual abuse in Australia will either make the current efforts look tiny in scale, or because the law and our cultural changes will have “normalized” these things, our “secular” society may see no need for such commissions!

Certainly, the way society is heading, there will soon be no need for these people to hide anywhere. If a man can legally marry another man, what message does it send? Think of the child! What is the fruit, the consequences of our actions?

Then there is same-sex adoption of babies! Having effectively removed religious education from Victorian government schools recently, then replacing it almost the next day with compulsory indoctrination of our children to believe that relationships between two men who perform unnatural sex acts with each other should be "respected," the Daniel Andrews government is set to legalize same-sex adoption.

Apart from trampling the rights of an orphaned child to have a mother and father figure in their life, the government is also trampling freedom of religion, BUT worse by far is that they are proposing to intentionally put children in harm’s way by allowing two men, potentially pedophiles, to adopt children and do whatever dark depraved homosexual sex acts on the child behind closed doors, potentially for years before the child can speak up and protect him or her self.

Homosexual men are all about getting sexual gratification as often as they can. They are not interested in restraint. They are most often not interested in monogamous relationships either. Now picture a child growing up in such a house. Walking in on them doings such sex acts. Hearing them. The friends coming over. This is no place to raise a child. What about when the child is sick and climbs into bed between the two men? Come on Australia, who is standing up for the children? They need protection from these selfish adults. Please speak up and act.

The dismantling of everything good that has any hint of religion is gaining pace under Daniel Andrews. In what has every smell of being the beginnings of a pogrom (a series of coordinated attacks against an ethnic or religious group) here specifically against Christians,

Andrews and his team are basically throwing the bath out with the bathwater as they rip out of our society all good Christian influence and replace it with the new religion of adult selfishness, godlessness and sexual immorality, called "secular humanism".

As they march on proudly and loudly in the name of “tolerance,” bullying all opposition into submission, causing mass fear so opponents are too scared to speak up against their views, they demand not only their rights to freely behave as they like, completely unrestrained, but also increasingly insisting that society must become like them (hence their attempts to indoctrinate Australian children to accept their sexual practice as normal).

Not only is a key hallmark of their campaign to embrace the religion of “evolutionary atheism,” insisting that society become “secular” and not only reject the God they loudly insist doesn’t even exist (somewhat ironic), and embrace “humanism” but additionally to actively mock, ridicule and be intolerant of all other views, especially those of competing religions such as Jews and Christians.[5] This of course is nothing new.

This movement have so successfully used the main stream media, social media, internet, TV shows, movies, Hollywood, politics, the judiciary and Western education systems, that they have molded themselves into an amazingly powerful machine which seems at present completely unstoppable. Their worldview is powerfully proclaimed. Any opposition to their worldview is efficiently silenced. What can man do against such creative force? Indeed, where does such amazing creativity come from?

Responsible adults need to stand up for the children in this war against families as this juggernaut of minority adult selfishness engulfs our society.

If this article helps people think more deeply about the consequences for children of changing the definition of marriage and re-ignites some common sense in our society then it is worth writing, even though the Brown Shirt hit squads may well come after me.

Please email your local politicians with a link to www.TrueMarriageEquality.com and ask them to “speak up on behalf of and protect Australia’s children”.

Additionally please feel free to: Email the ANZ bank complaining about their promoting homosexuality to children through theirGAYTM campaign (in fact why not change banks); The AFL for promoting homosexuality to children by seeking to have a GAYFL football match; Jeff Kennet and Beyond Blue for promoting this football match as a good thing (when in reality promoting homosexuality as good and normal just encourages children to try it, and to agree to let adults do it to them, and it will most likely then just cause more child abuse, more depression, more mental illness and possibly more suicide); and the Australian federal government asking them to cease funding the Safe Schools Coalition, a pro-homosexual lobby group which is using taxpayer funds to directly promote homosexuality to our children in schools. Also, contact Nando's and complain about their advert on YouTube which blatantly encourages young men to have anal sex with each other.

Wow, one would be forgiven for thinking that we are living in Sodom and Gomorrah![6]

Let’s face it, encouraging boys and girls to let someone of their same sex do these kinds of sexual acts to them, or to do these things to other boys or girls, (which basically is the message politicians, the media and the pro-homosexual lobby is sending to the children of our society) will just lead to an increase in child sexual abuse, mental illness, suicide and drug abuse.

Things have gone too far, and for the sake of Australia’s children, those responsible adults remaining please speak up and take action.

Neither homosexual lobby groups, the media, judiciary, politicians nor governments have any authority to change what marriage is. Marriage is what it is, what it always has been and always will be. As much as men think they have the power to change marriage, the truth is they don't. In their attempt to play God, rebellious man is inflicting great harm on those they are supposed to be responsible for, the children.

One of the biggest lies which has been so effectively used to propagate this mass-deception supporting the promotion of homosexuality is that "people are born this way." This is simply not true. Men are born, women are born, together they make the next generation of men and women, and so it goes. As the old saying goes, “in the beginning, God made Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve”! For further information please visit: NOT Born This Way.[7]

Hollywood is proof that homosexuals are made not born. That is why there is such a focus on indoctrinating children, and on preventing responsible adults from telling children that homosexual practices are not good for them, and on changing laws to “normalize” something which is not normal. The thinking is that if homosexuals are allowed to marry, then it must be condoned as normal by society and therefore it is easier to “make” more homosexuals in a society by encouraging the practice from a young age. It is an ideological semi-religious attempt to gain more converts just as is the Islamic ideological campaign.

The fruit of this secular humanist “sexual freedom” worldview which encourages sexual immorality, euthanasia, abortions and drug use is ultimately death. The fruit of Christianity is ultimately what we are all deep down longing for: true peace, rest and true life.

The West is under a mass-delusion, a deceit broadcast by the pro-homosexual mainstream media, Hollywood, entertainment celebrities, YouTube music videos, and social media, a deceit on a scale the likes of which has never been seen before. Universal deceit is not new. George Orwell once said that “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” Well, “Viva the Revolution,” here is the truth:

"Homosexuality is not ‘normal’ On the contrary it is a challenge to the norm. Nature exists whether academics like it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single relentless rule. That is the norm. Our sexual bodies were designed for reproduction. No one is born gay. The idea is ridiculous.”[8]

As hard as they try, they cannot succeed. Aligned with the other proud modern secular movements proclaiming human “freedoms”, such as the freedom to kill one’s own baby, the freedom to end one’s own life etc., this gathering together to make war against truth and common sense will be defeated and the proponents of this war captured (the opposite of freedom) and imprisoned inside the walls of their own folly. How can there ever be any peace, happiness or rest by actively promoting such destruction?

The West has become confused. The masses call evil good and good evil, and put darkness for light and light for darkness, bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.[9]

Homosexual activists are incessantly campaigning for rights, and anyone who opposes even a tiny bit of their agenda is labelled hateful and bigoted. However, some homosexuals are speaking out, saying they don’t support 'marriage' for homosexuals, same-sex adoption and the artificial creation of children.

In an interview in the Italian magazine Panorama, homosexuals Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce told the truth about same-sex marriage, IVF and surrogacy. Twitter and Instagram instantly burned with outrage and hatred against the billionaire designers.

When asked if they would like to be fathers, Dolce replied, “I’m gay, I cannot have children.” He added that he feels that “you are born to a mother and a father — or at least that’s how it should be. I call them children of chemistry, synthetic children. Rented uterus, semen chosen from a catalogue.”

That’s not all. Dolce, 57, said: “No chemical offspring and rented uterus: life has a natural flow, there are things that should not be changed.”

Gabbana, 53, added: “The family is not a fad. In it there is a supernatural sense of belonging.” And Dolce chimed in: “Procreation must be an act of love; now even psychiatrists are having to deal with the effects of these experiments.”[10]

"I am opposed to the idea of a child growing up with two gay parents,” said Gabbana, and that, "A child needs a mother and a father. I could not imagine my childhood without my mother. I also believe that it is cruel to take a baby away from its mother."[11]

In an Open Letter to Dolce and Gabbana[12] six people raised by homosexual “parents” wrote, “We want to thank you for giving voice to something that we learned by experience: Every human being has a mother and a father, and to cut either from a child’s life is to rob the child of dignity, humanity, and equality… We know that you will come under tremendous pressure, especially now when both Italy and the United States are being pushed to override our concerns for our rights to a mom and dad, in order to please a powerful gay lobby. . .”[13]

What shall we do with the Christians?

There are two vice lists in Paul’s letters, and both are relevant to the discussion of homosexuality and they show clearly that Jesus is the Saviour of homosexuals. He is for you, don’t reject Him.

"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Corinthians 6:9–10).

"But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience." (Ephesians 5:3–6).

Before you Christian readers get on your moral high-horse the Bible goes on to say:

"And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God "(1 Corinthians 6:11).

"Therefore do not become partners with them; for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord." (Ephesians 5:7–8a).

Paul is writing to Christians, some of whom used to be homosexuals. But here is the key point: He is talking of them in the past tense. They “used to be,” but are no longer. They have turned away from their sexual immorality and no longer practice such things.

Christians do not continue to engage in their former lifestyles because of the transformative power of salvation in Christ. What happened to them? God changed them is what happened.

Christianity is based on the truth that there is sin. Jesus Christ came to save people from sin. It is the whole reason for His coming, dying for the sins of His people in their place, and His resurrection, showing His defeat of death for those who turn from their sin and trust Him.

Homosexual practice is called “sin.” Men and women who continue to practice homosexual sex acts, who do not turn from this sin, cannot enter heaven. But they can and do once God enables them to turn from their sinful behavior.

Sinful behavior has consequences which affect all of us. We see the dysfunction all around us caused by our sinfulness. It is everywhere. The world is awash with problems, brokenness, false saviours, empty dreams, promises which offer much but deliver nothing, poverty, corruption, loneliness, selfishness, regrets, bitterness, confusion, mistrust, fear, pain, suffering and death.

However in the midst of all this brokenness there is a bright Light, which breaks through, and overcomes the darkness. There is a strong hand reaching down to us through the darkness and through all this hopelessness. The hand of a Saviour. Our only Saviour, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

This offer of salvation from Jesus is there for all who reach out to take His hand, who call on His name.

No perfection is required. No good deeds. No works. No dress code. No sacrifice from you. No offering. Nothing but an honest admission of your need, a repentant heart, a turning toward the one who made us and away from the wrong behavior of your past. Don't worry, God Himself will help you to do this too, as He knows you can't do it on your own.

Please stop your futile rebellion. You are only hurting yourself and your loved ones. Just get on your knees, cry out to Jesus today, look to Him, reach out and take a firm hold of His hand, surrender yourself to Him, ask Him to forgive you and take control of your life, and He will then bless you beyond your wildest dreams both in this life and for the rest of eternity.

To the desperate soul, fully aware of all his or her sin and failure, there comes the joyful assurance: “I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! … Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 7:25-8:1).

That is Christianity. It is true. It is powerful, more powerful that the juggernaut which stands in opposition to it. One will pass away, the other will stand forever. As for me I will choose eternity.


[1] http://www.breakpoint.org/features-columns/breakpoint-columns/entry/2/24777?fb_action_ids#at_pco=smlwn-1.0&at_tot=1&at_ab=per-2&at_pos=0&at_si=5530856ccb9e8898 (Cited 22nd April 2015)

[2] St Jerome, Letter CXXVII. To Principia, s:Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Series II/Volume VI/The Letters of St. Jerome/Letter 127 paragraph 12.

[3] http://www.truemarriageequality.com/no-one-is-born-gay-the-idea-is-ridiculous-homosexuality-is-not-an-inborn-trait.html

[4] Sodomy: “Any of various forms of (homosexual) acts regarded as perverted, especially anal intercourse, oral-anal contact, or sexual intercourse with an animal.” http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sodomy

[5] http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-11-05/abbott-was-subject-to-bigotry-over-christian-beliefs-brandis/6916642

[6] Genesis 19:1-29 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%2019:1-29&version=NIV

[7] http://savecalifornia.com/not-born-this-way.html

[8] Lesbian activist Camille Paglia from her 1994 book Vamps and Tramps.

[9] Isaiah 5:20

[10] http://www.bioedge.org/bioethics/dolce-gabbana-spark-internet-frenzy-over-ivf/11374

[11] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/celebritynews/11473198/Sir-Elton-John-calls-for-Dolce-and-Gabbana-boycott-after-row-over-same-sex-families.html

[12] http://www.tempi.it/lettera-a-dolce-e-gabbana-da-sei-figli-cresciuti-da-coppie-gay-grazie-per-il-vostro-coraggio#.VRCgTuFffd1

[13] http://www.alliancealert.org/2015/03/16/dear-dolce-gabbana-a-letter-of-support/

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