Australia: Man pours beer on politician who is against homosexual anal sex

The father of a gay man has slammed conservative MP George Christensen for his 'homophobic' comments about lowering the legal age for anal sex.

The father, who lives in Mr Christensen's north Queensland electorate of Dawson and is a Nationals supporter, took to the MP's Facebook page to hit out at the politician who said the law change meant older men could 'prey and groom' on 16-year-old boys. 

Yet, this is a historical fact - well known. Even during Roman times this is exactly what older men did. That is the reason why sodomy was banned. 

Historically, sodomy was also a criminal act against nature. What has changed? When did it not become a criminal act? 

But the Queensland Government like other government have fallen under the powerful influence of the LGBTQ advocates who wish to pursue their sexuality without restrictions. 

Thw Qld Government, in its postmodern mindset where there are no morals, no inherent worldwide values decided to remove the word 'sodomy' and against 'nature' and all Queensland laws. 

But the hypocrisy is that physical abuse, domestic violence, murder, child abuse are still criminal moral acts because....why? The majority say they are wrong? History says murder is wrong. History also tells us homosexuality is wrong and unhealthy for the community. 

So why decriminalize and change only one moral law  -the laws against sodomy?  Simple - pressure from Gay and LGBTQ advocates from a range of people in society. No other reason. 

The Queensland Government in its gay friendly wisdom lowered the age of buggery to 16 for males last week, stating it was simply lining up its laws with NSW and Victoria. A poor motivation indeed.

'A few years ago you bought me a beer, as a 20 plus veteran with two tours of Vietnam. If you did it now I would tip the bloody thing over your head,' Mr Roberts wrote while using his wife's Facebook account

Now notice exactly what the father says regarding his moral view of homosexuality ignoring the horrid homosexual history of homosexual gay abusive encounters by priest, politicians and lawyers and others who hold power over young people. Listen to his logic:

'So it is alright for old men like me to try and find a younger women but not a gay man. 
Now notice the change in view of the homosexual sin when a family member chooses this sinful lifestyle: 

I have a gay son who I am so proud of what he has achieved in his life. 'His condition, or what you want to call it, came from my father's ancestry so I have passed it on to him.  'He should have the same rights as I have to marry, to adopt if he and his partner wants to and not have clowns like you who live in the past helping to run this country and make decision for us and him. 
The Father, believes homosexuality is a gene trait passed down through the male. Unfortunately, there is no gay gene, no gay sexual orientation and no transgender people. Science states this very clearly. There is no born gay evidence at all regardless of personal testimony and feelings.  

Only Lady GaGa believes people are born gay - science doesn't. It is a lifestyle choice built on rebellion and lust - essentially it is a sin.

The father's response was sparked by Mr Christensen posting a story about the Queensland Government lowering the age of consent for anal sex. The reason why HIV and other diseases occur is because when male homosexuals insert their penis in the anal passage it tears the skin tissue causing bleeding and the transmission of various diseases. 

The anal passage according to biology and common sense is for disposal of waste products only. Sadly, older homosexual now have to insert plugs into their anal passage because their sexual sin has destroyed very muscles that control the passing of faeces to the toilet. 

'So the State Labor government just made it legal for 50 year old men to have sex with 16 year old boys,' the MP wrote. 'I don't ever recall having a constituent advocate for the anal sex age of consent to be lowered nor have I ever seen a petition or protest on this issue. Where are the State Government's priorities at?

'And do we really want 16 year old boys being preyed upon and groomed by much older men for what is now legal sex?'

After the father commented on the post, Mr Christensen said he appreciated the father taking the time, adding: 

'Can I assure you that my comments are not an attack on people who are same sex attracted, despite the fact they have been interpreted [mainly by the media] as such. I am concerned that what they have done is legalize predatory behavior.  I hope to buy you a beer down the track again and hope I don't wear it but rather that we can have a conversation about this and other issues.' 

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