Archbishop Morgan supports homosexual marriage - except Bible says no!

Christians who support same-sex marriage are not “abandoning the Bible” the Archbishop of Wales has insisted, as he told leading Anglicans that sex in a committed gay or lesbian relationship is perfectly “proper”.

Dr Barry Morgan used his final address to the governing body of the Church in Wales, ahead of his retirement, to urge members to rethink traditional beliefs about homosexual relationships as being sinful.
Even Biblical texts often cited as condemning homosexuality, such as the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone, could be “interpreted in more than one way”, he said. 

The 'hospitality argument' is a well known liberal failed tactic written by Bailey and used by the Metropolitan Gay Churches.  Morgan should not be seeking to confuse and divert people away from the correct teaching of scripture.

Dr Morgan, a prominent liberal figure in the church, is stepping down in early 2017 after 14 years as Archbishop, the longest serving primate in the worldwide Anglican Communion

To be a liberal means you reject the Bible and make up your own meaning. You wear your religious clothing, say religious words but you are distant from God - no different than a Pharisee who thought like the Apostle Paul they were doing work for God. Zeal without knowledge. However, Morgan goes beyond that as an Archbishop and becomes a false teacher leading people astray by commending them to stay in sin thereby following the spirit of this world and not the Holy Spirit.

In his address he cites a string of examples from both the Old Testament and New Testament in which, he said, different passages effectively contradict each other on topics as diverse as the status of eunuchs in Jewish society to the use of violence in retribution. 

The use of eunuchs has nothing to do with the prohibition of homosexuality.

“What all this shows is that within the Scriptures themselves, there are radical shifts in understanding in what it means to discern the will of God,” he said. In the core issues and in particular there are no shifts in understanding. Morgan fails to see the rise of homosexuality worldwide is a sign of the enemy challenging God on his design for marriage.

Morgan now seeks to dismiss scholarship on the sin of homosexuality by taking a high liberal ground by saying: “It absolutely will not do to quote texts from parts of the Bible in a simplistic way without reference to their contexts.”

Here are the indicators according to 2 Peter of a false teacher: 
“What all this amounts to is that one cannot argue that there is one accepted traditional way of interpreting scripture that is true and orthodox and all else is modern revisionism, culturally conditioned … so taking the Bible as a whole and taking what it says very seriously may lead us into a very different view of homosexual relationships than the one traditionally upheld by the church. We are not thereby abandoning the Bible but trying to interpret it in a way that is consistent with the main thrust of the ministry of Jesus, who went out of His way to minister to those who were excluded, marginalised, and abandoned by his society because they were regarded as impure and unholy by the religious leaders of his day, either because of their gender, age, morality or sexuality.”
Jesus called people to sin no more. Some sickness resulted from sin, others not. He doesn't condemn but calls them to sin no more. Jesus also affirms marriage as being between a man and a woman when asked tricky questions by the Pharisees on the death of a spouse and divorce. 

Jesus not only upholds the moral code from the Old Testament but adds to it with regards to immoral sexual behaviour. Paul outlines clearly the same position and states very very clearly the sin of homosexuality. There is no other way to interpret these verses. It is clear, plain and obvious but not to a person who is liberal and who has an agenda. Only a false teacher like Barry Morgan would make such a statement. 

Romans 1:26-29

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.  They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity.
But Dr Morgan pointedly rejected the celibacy requirement, quoting a passage from a recent book of essays on the subject, entitled Amazing Love, which argues: “Christians have discovered that most people flourish best when this living for others finds its focus in a commitment to one other person: when a couple make a lifelong commitment within which sex properly belongs.”

He added: “Those of us who were or are married have found that to be the case. Why would we want to deny such a possibility for those who are attracted to their own gender?”

Well, Barry Morgan the answer is: it is a disordered lifestyle, condemned by God, sinful leading to a depraved mind. So you can seek to falsely comfort people or call people to turn to Christ repent of their sin and walk in the Spirit and not the flesh. 

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