Affirm homosexual or be sanctioned by the state?

What is the nature of marriage and what are the consequences for redefining it?

Marriage is based on:
  • the truth that men and women are physically and emotionally complementary,
  • the biological fact that reproduction depends on a man and a woman, and
  • the reality that children need both a mother and a father.
Redefining marriage does not simply expand the existing understanding of marriage; it rejects these truths. It will legally discriminate against those who hold the traditional view of marriage, that marriage is only between a man and a woman, and potentially will outlaw the legitimate view of millions of people that homosexual sex acts are unnatural, unhealthy and immoral.

Laws teach. A law which promotes and protects something (homosexual sex) which billions of people around the world have always considered to be physically and mentally harmful will cause social havoc, division and confusion. It will restrict freedom of speech and religion. It will effectively silence and possibly eventually criminalize those who publicly disagree with homosexual marriage. It will enslave people in many ways rather than advance human flourishing and freedom,

If the law and resources of the state proactively require affirmation of homosexual behavior under threat of punishment, and silences a vast majority of citizens, we no longer live in a free country. The indoctrination of school children by the state, restrictions on what Christian and Jewish Australians can speak about in public, good citizens imprisoned and fined for speaking what they legitimately hold to be truth. Australia will no longer be young and free.

Defending marriage is defending children. Children need adults to protect them, to speak up for them, to make wise choices for them, to preserve the best world they can for them, to be good stewards of the present so the children do not suffer in the future. This site aims to speak up for children, who need protection from harmful ideas, like the normalization of homosexual sexual practices and lifestyle, and who need both a mum and a dad. and a stable home.

Marriage is society’s least restrictive means of raising and ensuring the safety and well-being of children. It needs protection.

By encouraging the norms of marriage—monogamy, sexual exclusivity, and permanence—the state strengthens civil society and reduces its own role.

Marriage is not a fad or plaything of selfish adults, politicians, radicals, militant homosexuals, Marxists and social anarchists. It is a foundation of good society. If we dismantle this foundation we dismantle much of what is good in our nation.

The future of marriage depends on citizens understanding what marriage is and why it matters and then speaking up boldly and insisting that government policies support, not undermine, true marriage.

This site aims to assist you to investigate the same-sex marriage issue and to then defend true marriage and true family, before we lose them. Do it for your children, your grandchildren and for your country.

The future of this country as we know it depends on the future of true marriage and how well YOU defend it right NOW. Please read these "5 Reasons to say "No" to same-sex 'marriage'" and then take action and distribute them on your social media.

“You will never build a society on it. You will not build a nation on it.” - Paul Keating on same-sex marriage. "No one is born gay. The idea is ridiculous... Homosexuality is not an inborn trait." Dr. Camille Paglia (Homosexual). Like the deceptive way wholesome words and images like "gay" and the "rainbow" have been hijacked by groups who oppose marriage and family, the words "marriage equality" are equally deceptive. There is no equality for anybody to be found by undermining marriage and family, it is found by strengthening, honoring, protecting and upholding these foundational institutions.

Legalising same-sex "marriage" will normalize and promote homosexual sex acts (anal sex and other unnatural and dangerous sex acts common in homosexual communities) in our society and in schools across our nation. The purpose of the anus is so obviously to excrete germ carrying human waste out of the rectum. Why are our governments in the West being so intimidated by political correctness that they are actively joining in the promotion of the normalization of something (homosexual anal sex) which is responsible for epidemics which continue to kill millions of human beings and leave millions of children orphaned?

They are falling for this mainly because the majority of citizens have also been intimidated and are not actively urging their political representatives to protect our society from this threat. Please TAKE ACTION today.

The aim of the anti-traditional marriage and family movement is to abolish marriage. “Fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we’re going to do with marriage when we get there.” “It’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist.” - Masha Gessen (Homosexual activist).

The homosexual agenda does not stop at same-sex "marriage." "What next? Dis-establish marriage. Abolish the legal category" of marriage. -Tamara Metz (Homosexual activist).

There are some, though a minority, within homosexual communities who genuinely do want to be legally married. Their cause has been hijacked by extremists. The majority of people behind this movement who oppose traditional marriage and family do not genuinely want it, they want to expand their political agendas, subjugate Christians, push God and the Bible out of their lives and society, increase State control over people's lives and continue the sexual revolution which has made sexual autonomy and so called sexual "freedom" their god.

True marriage is under attack by militant homosexual activists, social anarchists, political totalitarians, and anti-Western forces, who want to undermine and destroy true marriage and family. This is not the final goal though. This extreme-left movement will not stop at this.

This site seeks to compile articles, quotes, resources and arguments to expose the mass deception called "marriage equality," which seeks to destroy our society from the foundations up, and to awaken the silent majority out of their passive slumber, to rise up and defend true marriage and family and protect our society. Start your own blogs. Write to politicians. Speak to your neighbor about this. Fund advertisements in the media. Run for parliament. Speak up, while you still can.

Think for yourself. Ideas have consequences. Ask yourself what the consequences will be if we change marriage. Read this list of consequences to help start you off.

Marriage is only, and has only ever been, and will only ever remain, a union of one man and one woman for life, for the benefit of the man, the woman and society, and if possible for the bringing into this world and the nurture and upbringing of children, for the betterment of the child and our society as a whole.

Gender matters. Fathers matter. Mothers matter. The only true gender balance and equality for a man and woman is found in true marriage. The only structure where gender balance and equality is perfectly fulfilled is in true marriage. The best gender balance for a child is one father and one mother equally raising the child. It is worth defending.

"The price of freedom is high. It always has been. It's a price I'm willing to pay, and if I'm the only one so be it. But, I'm willing to bet I'm not." Captain America ("The Winter Soldier"), talking about fighting Hydra who had infiltrated Shield and were using its resources to spread a mass deception and destroy all which is good and noble in the name of "freedom" but which really meant their freedom to silence all their opponents by the bullet, take full control and spread their tyranny.

If you do just one thing to help defend marriage and family please watch and distribute the video below far and wide, email it to everyone in your contact lists, post it on your Facebook page and everywhere else. Please. This issue is damaging children. Do it for them.

Marriage exists to bring a man and a woman together as husband and wife to be father and mother to any children their union produces.
Marriage is based on the truth that men and women are complementary, the biological fact that reproduction depends on a man and a woman, and the reality that children need both a mother and a father.
Marriage is society’s least restrictive means of ensuring the well-being of children. Marital breakdown weakens civil society and limited government.
Government recognizes marriage because it benefits society in a way that no other relationship does.
Government can treat people equally and respect their liberty without redefining marriage.
Redefining marriage would further distance marriage from the needs of children and deny the importance of mothers and fathers; weaken monogamy, exclusivity, and permanency, the norms through which marriage benefits society; and threaten religious liberty.

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