100+ Reasons for Defending Marriage and Family & Some Consequences of Embracing Same-sex "Marriage"

Changing the Marriage Act will not expand marriage it will undermine marriage and family, foundations of our good society. The following list is a far from exhaustive list of some reasons to defend marriage and family and some of the myriad consequences of changing the Marriage Act:

  • Same-sex “Marriage” is not Marriage. The union between two men or two women denies the self-evident biological, physiological, and psychological differences between men and women which find their complementarity in marriage. 

  • It denies the specific primary purpose of marriage: the perpetuation of the human race and the raising of children. Two entirely different things cannot be considered the same thing.

  • Same-sex "Marriage" goes Against Human Nature
  • Same-sex “Marriage" Always Denies a Child Either a Father or a Mother
  • SS “marriage” intentionally makes children orphans.
  • SS “marriage” confuses children and promotes homosexual behavior to them.
  • Both Mums and Dads matter to every child. Same-sex “marriage” ignores a child’s best interests.
  • Recognizing SS “Marriage” Validates and Promotes Homosexual sex acts and lifestyle.
  • It Divides Communities.
  • Laws teach. They influence patterns of thought and behavior. They shape the life of society. 

  • The original inhabitants of Australia are greatly opposed to it and are offended by homosexual "marriage."
  • It will basically teach that it is okay for a man to do that to another man and a woman to a woman. Worse, it encourages children to do it to each other or to let adults do it to them. 

  • The State will impose this new ideology on citizens. They will call on public officials to officiate at the new civil ceremony. Their jobs will be on the line if they refuse due to conscientious objection.
  • The State will order public schools to teach the acceptability of homosexual sex acts to children.
  • The State will punish any state employee who resists, and any state teachers and will attempt to punish private schools too.
  • It Turns a Moral Wrong into a Civil Right. Homosexual sex acts are not the same as racism.
  • The law will impose acceptance of homosexual sex acts on all society abolishing freedoms our forefathers fought and died for to secure.
  • By legalizing same-sex “marriage, sodomy will be validated and promoted by the state. Medical experts agree the purpose of the human rectum is for storing human waste, which is then excreted out of the anus. Promoting unhealthy anal sex and all the other unnatural sex acts which go with same-sex sexual practice will result in diseases and sickness. It will unleash a tsunami of sexually transmitted diseases on our society which we will all have to pay the costs for.

  • Homosexual sex acts are not a human right. Child protection is a human right and should take priority over selfish adult desires.
  • Like giving a spoilt child what he wants because he persists and yells long and loud enough, that child never gives in, he is never satisfied, and he just wants more. Then others start demanding we submit to their demands. Polygamy. Pedophilia. Bestiality.
  • "Homosexual sex is bad for ones health. It is worse than smoking. Governments rightly warn people about the dangers of smoking. Governments should not be involved in promoting homosexual sex acts, they should be actively warning people, especially young people, about the dangers of same-sex sexual activity." 

  • "It's sort of like a new group of mathematicians that come along, and they say 2+2=5. And the traditionalists say, 'No, it's 4, it's always been 4, it always will be 4.' And the new ones say, 'No, we insist that it's 5.' So, the traditionalists say, 'I'll tell you what, for you it can be five; we're keeping it as 4.' And then, the new ones say, 'No, no, it has to be 5 for you, and if it's not, then you're a mathosaur or a mathophobe. And basically, that's the situation we find ourselves in (with the marriage attack)" Dr. Ben Carson- Neuro Surgeon.

  • The attack on freedom of speech is one of the main secular reasons why Same-sex "marriage" needs to be defeated. Imagine what will happen if it is law? Same-sex "marriage" will abolish freedom of speech, religion and conscientious objection. This is one of the biggest threats to our freedom in Australia since WWII. 

  • As soon as marriage is redefined to allow two men or two women to marry, Muslim and Mormon men will very quickly demand that they be allowed to marry multiple women. Legally this has to happen. If being “in love” is the new basis for marriage, then if they say they are “in love” what is to stop them? 

  • Why then wouldn’t a group of pedophile homosexual men (without disclosing they are pedophiles) be able to state that they “love each other” and want to get married? Then they could legally adopt children or arrange for surrogate children who they would then systematically abuse behind closed doors.
  • What happens to the Bible? If this change succeeds what will be the next target of the homosexual lobby? The Bible says homosexuality is a sin. So what will the SS juggernaut do about the Bible? Insist the State ban the Bible as hate literature? Close down non-conforming churches? Put Christians and Jews in jail? Once the law changes, those people who hold traditional views will be persecuted by the law.
  • What happens to Christians? Christianity is based on the truth that there is sin. Jesus Christ came to save people from sin. It is the whole reason for His coming, dying for the sins of His people in their place and His resurrection, showing His defeat of death for those who turn from their sin and trust Him. Homosexual practice is called “sin” men and women who continue to practice homosexual sex acts, who do not turn from this sin, cannot enter heaven.  Christians cannot agree with a law which legalizes sin. Will the state be prepared to throw their most law abiding citizens in prison for non-conformity?
  • Redefining marriage won't increase equality. In 2008 the Australian Parliament amended over 80 pieces of legislation against same-sex couples. There is no longer any discrimination against same-sex couples in Commonwealth law. Redefining marriage will not make same-sex relationships any more equal.
  • If we redefine marriage we redefine family. Every child needs both a mum and a dad.
  • Children will be discriminated against. By definition, same-sex parenting means intentionally removing a child from his or her mum or dad. It would be a law which intentionally makes children orphans.
  • Removing the words “mother” and “father” is discriminating against mothers and fathers. Proud fathers and mothers are offended by this.
  • Pretending that governments even have the power to decide what marriage and family is, will only lead to more intrusive big government, not just in their attempt to further broaden the areas of our lives they try to regulate, but in the expansion of the bureaucracy required to clean up the consequential mess or fruit of undermining two of the foundations of society. Such consequences could include an increase in health care, especially mental health, increased crime rates, child abuse, drug use, child poverty etc. etc., all leading to bigger government.
  • The traditional family has worked well throughout human history, what happens when words such as ”husband”, “wife”, “father”, “mother” are outlawed by the state? Experience overseas has demonstrated that people who disagree with same-sex marriage are often punished by law.
  • The law is a teacher. Normalising homosexual sex acts of will cause children to try these sex acts. It is not normal or healthy for a man to put his penis in another man’s anus. Such unnatural sex acts will lead to a major increase in mental health problems, depression, regrets, blackmailing, destruction of childhood friendships, guilt, drug and alcohol use and abuse to overcome the guilt, and increased suicide.
  • Children need a mother and a father. The State should not be involved in promoting alternative foundations for children.
  • What about the extended biological families, aunties, uncles, grandparents. Don’t children deserve them in their lives?
  • Changing the Marriage Act will divide Australians. It is better to do nothing and leave it alone.
  • In a recent La Trobe, electorate wide poll on the issue, only 5% of voters bothered to vote! The issue is not as big as the vocal proponents make it out to be. The result was pretty even, but the 95% who didn’t vote will not feel so intimidated in the voting booths where their votes will be secret and they will be protected from being black-listed by pro-homosexual bullies.
  • Asia is not the least bit interested in this issue. This could damage Australia’s standing in Asia.
  • It will create dis-equality for children.
  • In reality there is no "equality" for anyone by dismantling the two age-old institutions of traditional marriage and family, it is simply causing mass division in our society, and will irreparably harm thousands of children.
  • There are a huge number of people who want marriage to remain as it has been for thousands of years but who are too frightened to speak out on the issue because they get bullied into submission. Discriminating against them, black-listing them and bullying them has succeeded in silencing most of them, but they are still there, and they vote.
  • The well-funded movement who want to change marriage and family, on the whole, do not even have children, nor do most of them really want children. They are not concerned about the way their selfish agenda is damaging children, even just by the public debate of the idea that a man can “marry” another man. Who is protecting our children?
  • This issue is already causing massive confusion and divisions in school playgrounds around the country as children are being discriminated against in an ugly way for standing up for traditional marriage.
  • Children are performing mock homosexual sex acts on school verandas and holding mock homosexual "weddings". Things have gone too far. Children should not have to deal with this.
  • These sexual acts are not normal and they will cause incredible harm, including mental and physical health damage to our nation’s youth, who are influenced by what our nation’s leaders speak about in parliament, and will increasingly be encouraged to try as they come under pressure from our culture, peers and adults.
  • Marriage simply is what it is, between a man and a woman for the propagation and raising of children. It is not a plaything to be changed at whim by a loud minority group who will not stop at this.
  • If we don’t stand for truth, we will fall for anything. If as a society we can so easily give up two of the foundations of our free society, traditional marriage and traditional families, then there is nothing standing in the way of the demands of other minority bullies demanding their way.
  • This proposed change will legitimise the false assertion that there is nothing distinctive about a man and a woman, a father or a mother;
  • Marriage provides a natural, timeless and sustainable foundation for our society, and has done for thousands of years. No change is needed to something which has worked so well.
  • The particular values that real marriage serves are being undermined.
  • The law will retrospectively change the basis upon which all existing married couples got married.
  • Sometimes people claim that children do just fine with two mums or two dads and that there is “no difference” between households with same-sex parents and heterosexual parents. But sociological research, attests to the importance for children of having, as far as possible, both a mother and father.
  • It will likely have a back-lash affect and increase the amount of discrimination against homosexuals.
  • One, of the many consequence to this normalizing of homosexual sexual activity is that by giving two (or more!) homosexual paedophiles some legitimacy in society by pretending they are respectably “married,” could lead to them being offered positions of influence such as in boarding schools, school camp grounds, day care centres, kindergartens, churches or children’s charities, where they could then practice their dark depravity upon unsuspecting children. In fact the pressure will be on school boards to choose such applicants over non-homosexual applicants because of the bullying and discriminating pressure from the homosexual juggernaut on them. Please keep in mind what happened in Ballarat.
  • In response to the claim that marriage would domesticate gay men’s sex drives, columnist Mona Charen once replied that “marriage doesn’t domesticate men, women do.”
  • Responsible adults must surely stand up for the rights of children in this matter. Can we honestly believe that it is in the best interests of a child to allow two homosexual men to raise them? What happens when the little boy is sick and climbs into a bed between the two men? What happens when that little boy or girl walks in on them doing their homosexual sex acts? How will these children ever get over such trauma?
  • A 2013 study finding that “about half of gay marriages surveyed . . . [are] not strictly monogamous.” A fact “well-known in the gay community,” and “we assume it’s more like three-quarters” that are not monogamous. So, what happens when these children see the sexual acts that they do each and every night with different men? Who will protect these children?
  • We could so easily see an increase in situations such as we saw in Ballarat.
  • Denying children their rights. Every kid deserves the best start in life - that all starts with the family environment.  However redefining marriage means redefining family. The only way that two men or two women can acquire a child is by removing them from either their mum or their dad. It means denying the child the right to know and be raised by at least one of their biological parents.
  • Freedom of speech and religion will be major casualties of changing this law. If the law suddenly declares a sexual act as protected and promoted by the State. What happens to the millions of people who will never accept or agree with this?
  • The City of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, ordered Christian ministers to perform same sex weddings under pain of 180 days’ imprisonment for each day the ceremony is not performed and fines of $1000 per day; some British MPs have threatened to remove the marriage licences from clergy who fail to conduct ‘same-sex marriages’.
  • Clergy in Holland, France, Spain, the US and Australia have been threatened with prosecution for ‘hate speech’ for upholding their faith tradition’s position on marriage; the City of Houston, Texas, has even subpoenaed pastors, compelling them to submit sermons to legal scrutiny when discussing sexuality.
  • In Colorado and Oregon, courts have fined bakers who refused on religious or conscientious grounds to bake wedding cakes for ‘same-sex weddings’; in New Mexico a wedding photographer was fined for refusing to do photography for such a ceremony; and in Illinois accommodation providers have been sued for not providing honeymoon packages after ‘same-sex weddings’
  • British MPs have threatened to stop churches holding weddings if they do not agree to conduct same-sex ones
  • The Chief Rabbi of Amsterdam and a Bishop in Spain have been threatened with prosecution for ‘hate speech’ merely for restating the position of their religious traditions
  • Having allowed ‘same-sex marriages’, polygamous marriages have been permitted in Brazil and pressure for their legalisation is strong in Canada and elsewhere.
  • Businessmen, athletes, commentators, teachers, doctors and nurses, religious leaders and others in several countries who have spoken in support of traditional marriage have been vilified in the media, denied employment or business contracts, and threatened with prosecution.

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