The ‘traditional’ same-sex wedding

Connelly is determined to show that it is unreasonable for a Catholic high school to refuse to publish a notice of a graduate’s same-sex wedding. Connelly blames the refusal on the “chilly, hard-line stand” taken by Archbishop J. Peter Sartain, who has been “raining down prohibitions on same-sex marriage.”

Other Catholics are more willing to accept the homosexual alliances, Connelly reports. Most notably:
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, a devout (?) Catholic, went to St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral in 2013 to marry his husband, Michael Shiosaki, in a deeply traditional ceremony.

Obviously you can be a Catholic, not a Christian, ignore the Bible, the Pope and all other Biblical laws against homosexuality - and still claim to be a devout Catholic? Lies?

Of course Mayor Murray is described as a “devout” Catholic; that adjective always comes into play when a reporter is applauding a public figure for dissenting from Church teaching. That dissent explains why a “devout” Catholic would want to be married in an episcopal church. But feast your eyes on the final phrase of that sentence: “a deeply traditional ceremony.”

No doubt it was “deeply” traditional in the same sense in which Murray is a “devout” Catholic. (I wonder if he’s “deeply” devout?) But tell me: just how traditional can a wedding ceremony be, if the couple are of the same sex?

Homosexual agenda seeks constantly to twist words, arguments and seek to look righteous. They seek to appear good, right, picked upon - seeking sympathy for the sinfulness.

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