Justin Trudeau announces he’ll be first Canadian PM to march in a gay pride parade

Toronto Gay Pride Parade 2007
Toronto Gay Pride Parade 2007 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Justin Trudeau has announced that he will be the first prime minister in Canada to march in a homosexual “pride” parade. The event, planned for July 3, has been known to include male frontal nudity — in contravention of public decency laws — and sexual elements including mock sex acts, sexual bondage, and sadomasochism. The theme for this year’s event is “belonging and inclusion.”
In 2014 Xtra’s managing editor Danny Glenwright defended nudity at Toronto’s annual Pride parade as par for the course of expanding gay rights, writing, “It’s what we do with our naked bodies that kept us gays down for so long.”
Marching along with Trudeau will be Ontario’s lesbian Premier Kathleen Wynne and Toronto Mayor John Tory, reported the Canadian Press.
In 2013, Trudeau marched in the Toronto Pride parade with Ben Levin one week prior to the province’s former Deputy Minister of Education being arrested and later convicted for making and distributing child pornography.

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