Children are used as shields for gay activists

An excerpt:

"It's a lot harder to oppose something when you can see its face and you know its name," Cooper Smith Koch, whose Christmas card was sent to Texas Gov. Rick Perry, said. "That's why we're sending a holiday card to Governor Perry, so that he can see the faces of the citizens of Texas that are being harmed by inequality. And so that he can see the love that we have for our children and how it's the same as the love he has for his."

Force little kids to sing and tapdance when they're young enough not to notice that you robbed them of their mom or dad.

In fact, at this point, I take issue with Cooper Smith Koch's claim that his love for his kids is equal to the love of families with a mom and dad. It's not the same. One kind of love is a yearning on the adult's part for the presence of a dependent human being who has to reward the adult with a warm and fuzzy feeling. Another kind of love is setting aside what you want for the sake of someone else, even if that means letting the child be raised in a home that has something you can't offer: a parent of the opposite sex. If you love with the higher love, you don't deprive them of a mom or dad. What you love is yourself and your own ego. So please Mr. Smith Koch, in place of a holiday card, send your kids to live with their grandmother.

Two of Manuel Half's fantastic art pieces come to mind:

 Manuel Half, my ally, is the son of a gay dad and a surrogate mother. A lot of his artwork uses the slogans and tactics of the LGBT movement to expose cruelty and abuse hiding beneath façades. So the top picture, "Hypnotize," challenges the refrain that "love is love." As Manuel and I both know, not all love is the same. The kind of love that convinces an adult to deprive a child of a mom or dad is a cruel love, closer to the love of stalkers and molesters than to the love of parents and grandparents.
The second art piece, "old school," reminds us that the cement holding families together cannot survive alongside LGBT family rhetoric. The child's right to a mom and dad will either be smashed by the hammer of ligbitism, or it will be the hammer to smash the ligbitist campaign for once and for all. Underneath the veneers of peace and acceptance lies real violence -- and we should choose our side understanding as much.

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