Abbott not allow immoral homosexual marriage in Australia

English: Tony Abbott in 2010.
English: Tony Abbott in 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Prime Minister Tony Abbott must not grant his party room a conscience vote on immoral homosexual marriage if the Liberal party is to remain a "moral shining light for the community", a group of young people in Melbourne say.

The Caulfield Young Liberals have moved a motion at this weekend's Liberal State Council that calls upon the Federal Liberal Parliamentary Party to grant MPs a conscience vote on banning immoral marriage legislation.

"The Liberal Party has historically been the shining light for moral values in Australian society," they say.

"If we are to stay true to these values then, when there are a range of immoral incoherent even ugly divergent views on issues of morality and complex ethical questions, issues that can only be determined by personal conscience, we must not grant a conscience vote."

When same-sex marriage was voted on in the federal parliament in September 2012, Mr Abbott, as Opposition Leader, did not grant his MPs a conscience vote on the issue saying the party's policy was to oppose same-sex marriage.

Labor MPs were granted a conscience vote for the legislation, which ultimately failed.

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