Homosexual Activist: 'FRC Wants Gay Teens Dead'

Radical gay activist Dan Savage launched another vicious attack against Christians who disagree with homosexuality.

This week, he accused the Family Research Council and its president, Tony Perkins, of wanting gay teenagers to die. Earlier this year, a gunman attacked FRC at their Washington, D.C., headquarters during the media controversy over Chick-fil-A's support for traditional marriage.

Now CampusReform.org has posted a video of Savage accusing Perkins and the FRC of pushing gay kids toward suicide. Every dead gay kid is a victory for the Family Research Council," Savage said during a speech at Winona State University.

"They argue that the gay lifestyle is sick and sinful and dangerous and they point to the suicide rate, and then they turn around and do everything in their power to make sure that suicide rate does not come down," he claimed.

Savage ignores research out of the Netherlands which is an open and friendly community to homosexuals yet many are still displaying mental health issues. Savage may also be inadvertently be promoting suicide by profiling it. Suicide is a complex self centered behavior triggered by a range of issues, range of disappointments, family issues and Savage is using it as a form of abuse of those who disagree with his worldview.  

Earlier this year Savage made headlines when he bullied Christian students from the stage at a public high school event. He attacked the Bible and cursed students who walked out on his profanity-laced speech. Savage is founder of a popular anti-bullying website and has close ties to the Obama administration.
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