Jesse Jackson: Yeah, I’d marry homosexuals

CHARLOTTE, September 4, 2012,– The Reverend Jesse Jackson has said he would have “no problem” performing a same-sex wedding ceremony, “if I was asked to.”
Jackson made the remarks to reporters in Charlotte, where he had arrived for the Democratic National Convention.
“Beginning with the Voting Rights Act of 1965, to the inclusion of blacks, Hispanics, 18-year-olds, and women, opportunities are now unlimited,” he said
Both Jackson and the Democratic Party platform wholeheartedly support same-sex “marriage.” 
“We’re taught that being gay is a sin to be overcome through conversion. Without that you go to Hell,” Jackson said. “If your theology is rooted in that Biblical view, then there’s not much room to grow.”
One of Jackson’s former aides has claimed Jackson’s interest in homosexuality is more than theological. Tommy Bennett, who worked as Jackson’s personal travel assistant at the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition,filed a sexual harassment lawsuit for nearly half-a-million dollars with the Illinois Department of Human Rights in 2010.  Bennett further alleges Jackson revealed having a homosexual relationship with one of his teachers and that he was forced to facilitate Jackson’s affairs with several women, including Fox News commentator Tamara Holder, and to clean up afterward. He claims he was discriminated against by Jackson’s employees, then wrongfully terminated. Rainbow/PUSH denies the allegations, claiming that Bennett’s “inflammatory allegations are an attempt to malign Rev. Jackson and the organization, and are hurtful and harmful to the progressive community.”
Jackson, who once spoke at the annual March for Life, ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1984 and 1988.

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