If Gay Marriage get approved fewer children would be raised by a married mother and father

Deutsch: Lesbisches Paar händchenhaltend, von ...Image via Wikipedia
The greatest tragedy resulting from the legalization of homosexual “marriage” would not be its effect on adults, but its effect on children. For the first time in history, society would be placing its highest stamp of official government approval on the deliberate creation of permanently motherless or fatherless households for children.
There simply cannot be any serious debate, based on the mass of scholarly literature available to us, about the ideal family form for children. It consists of a mother and father who are committed to one another in marriage. Children raised by their married mother and father experience lower rates of many social pathologies, including:
• premarital childbearing;
• illicit drug use;
• arrest;
• health, emotional, or behavioral problems;
• poverty;
• or school failure or expulsion.
These benefits are then passed on to future generations as well, because children raised by their married mother and father are themselves less likely to cohabit or to divorce as adults.
In a perfect world, every child would have that kind of household provided by his or her own loving and capable biological parents (and every husband and wife who wanted children would be able to conceive them together). Of course, we do not live in a perfect world. But the parent who says, “I’m gay,” is telling his or her child that he or she has no intention of providing a parent of both sexes for that child. And a homosexual who “marries” someone of the same sex is declaring that this deprivation is to be permanent—and with the blessing of the state. Homosexual activists argue that research on homosexual parenting does not show differences among the children raised by homosexuals and those raised by heterosexuals. Even leading professional organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, under the influence of homosexual activists, have issued policy statements making such claims. 47
Lesbian & Gay Christians [Exeter LGBT Pride 2011]Image by Cariad Eccleston via FlickrA close examination of the actual research, however, shows that such claims are unsupportable. The truth is that most research on “homosexual parents” thus far has been marred by serious methodological problems. However, even pro-homosexual sociologists Judith Stacey and Timothy Biblarz repor
Lesbian & Gay Christians [Exeter LGBT Pride 2011]Image by Cariad Eccleston via Flickrt that the actual data from key studies show the “no differences” claim to be false.
Surveying the research (primarily regarding lesbians) in an American Sociological Review article in 2001, they found that:
• Children of lesbians are less likely to conform to traditional gender norms.
• Children of lesbians are more likely to engage in homosexual behavior.
• Daughters of lesbians are “more sexually adventurous and less chaste.”
Lesbian “co-parent relationships” are more likely to break up than heterosexual marriages.

A 1996 study by an Australian sociologist compared children raised by heterosexual married couples, heterosexual cohabiting couples, and homosexual cohabiting couples. It found that the children of heterosexual married couples did the best, and children of homosexual couples the worst, in nine of the thirteen academic and social categories measured. As scholar Stanley Kurtz says,
If, as in Norway, gay “marriage” were imposed here by a socially liberal cultural elite, it would likely speed us on the way toward the classic Nordic pattern of less frequent marriage, more frequent out-of-wedlock birth, and skyrocketing family dissolution. In the American context, this would be a disaster.

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