Australian Psychological Society believes gay marriage will heal gays

The Australian Psychological Society has endorsed a recent resolution of the American Psychological Association calling for marriage equality for those in same-sex relationships, on health and wellbeing grounds.

The resolution of the APA, called for the legalisation of same-sex marriage, on the basis of psychological evidence showing the mental health benefits of marriage, and the harm caused by social exclusion and discrimination arising from not having the choice to marry.
Professor Simon Crowe, President of the APS, said: “Decades of psychological research provides the evidence linking marriage to mental health benefits, and highlighting the harm to individuals’ mental health of social exclusion. The APS supports the full recognition of same-sex relationships, on the basis of this evidence.”
Unfortunately, genuine marriage by definition, history, logic and biological design cannot include same sex relationships. Likewise, the prevent of underage children or a brother and sister seeking marriage would also create mental health issues. There is no doubt regarding the positive benefits of marriage but gays couples will always have mental health issues simply because their relationship is unnatural, against nature itself and fruitless. 

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