
Showing posts with the label Sexuality

Homosexual Truths hidden by Gay activist

E nglish: Gender symbols, sexual orientation: heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality. Česky: (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Homosexuality is not a genetically-determined ,unchangeable trait. Dr. Francis Collins , Director of the Genome Project , has stated that while homosexuality may be genetically influenced, it is “… not hardwired by DNA , and (that) whatever genes are involved represent predispositions, not predetermination[s].” He also states that “…the prominent role of individual free will choices have a profound effect on us.”1 Homosexual attraction is determined by a combination of familial, environmental, social and biological influences. Inheritance of predisposing personality traits may play a role for some. Consequently, homosexual attraction is changeable. Contrary to the “born that way” myth, the scientific evidence links homosexuality to social and parental influences… combined in varying degrees with biological predisposition in some people. Sexual orienta

US psychiatrist: Sex ed failing Kiwi teens

AIDS posters in the Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Teenagers are being let down by sex education that doesn't tell them it's best to wait until you're an adult and have one sexual partner for life, a visiting physician says. But Family Planning disputes United States psychiatrist Dr Miriam Grossman's characterisation of New Zealand's sex education. She has been brought here by the conservative lobby group Family First to speak at a conference in Auckland on Thursday. Dr Grossman said she took up writing and speaking on the "harms" of sex education after her experiences as a campus psychiatrist at the University of California . She saw many female students who were panicking about having, or possibly having, a sexually transmitted infection (STI), being pregnant, having had an abortion, or being confused about their emotional attachment to a man who had no intention of becoming emotionally attached to them. "The

What happens to the kids of homosexuals?

Sex-related outcomes have more consistently revealed distinctions, although the tone of concern about them has diminished over time. For example, while the daughters of lesbian mothers are now widely understood to be more apt to explore same-sex sexual identity and behavior, concern about this finding has faded as scholars and the general public have become more accepting of GLB identities ( Goldberg, 2010 ).  Tasker and Golombok (1997)  noted that girls raised by lesbian mothers reported a higher number of sexual partners in young adulthood than daughters of heterosexual mothers. Boys with lesbian mothers, on the other hand, appear to display the opposite trend—fewer partners than the sons of heterosexual mothers. Therefore it is a lie to say there is no effect. But the LGBT community will continue to ignore and debate any such findings regardless of how legitimate.  Related articles Why it's never too late to be a lesbian ( My Bisexual Guilt (pers

To same-sex attracted boys - wait

June 12, 2012 ( - While your friends seem obsessed with girls, you are experiencing feelings of attraction to guys. You find yourself fantasizing about being close – really close – to a teacher or macho guy in your school. You long for something more, but it isn’t a girl. The culture—teachers in your school, the Gay Straight Alliance —is telling you that all this is a sign you were born gay. You might as well accept it and “ come out ” because there is nothing you can do to change it. That’s how God made you. But before you act on this advice, take time to look at the facts. You may have heard the claim that science has found a “gay gene.” This is not true. In spite of a lot of looking, no scientist has found anything resembling a gay gene. The head of the human genome project says they have looked and it isn’t there.1 Other studies offer conclusive evidence that people are not “born” that way. If same-sex attraction were genetic or caused by some other pre

Devlopment Stages of Homosexuality

Anne Frank (Photo credit: Wikipedia )  No one believes that the young, precocious Anne Frank was a homosexual . Her story only illustrates the kind of fleeting thoughts that often come with the awakening of new sexual desires during the teenage years. Later entries in her diary describe the love and need for intimacy she felt for a young male friend with whom she shared many of her deepest thoughts. This raises the question: Why do some make the transition from same-sex to opposite-sex attraction while others become involved in homosexuality? Typically, people are drawn into homosexual behavior because of their responses to their childhood environment.  Yet when sexually broken people face the inner truth about their childhood woundedness—seeing how these hurts set them up to be drawn into homosexuality—they are much more open to receive emotional healing from the Lord and to receive His help to leave the lifestyle. “Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me w