Lady Gaga is wrong about Gay born that way

The Unseen StrugglerPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Dr. David Kyle Foster   

There are a few corrections that need to be made in the thinking of our culture concerning homosexuality.

First - the idea that people are born gay. After multiple and repeated efforts by gay researchers to prove a genetic (or other physiological) cause for homosexuality, all have failed. In fact, at least two of the studies have shown conclusively that homosexuality cannot be caused by genes. Most obvious is the identical twin study that showed that pairs of genetically identical twins sometimes had opposite sexual orientations. Since they were genetically identical pairs, if homosexuality were caused by genes, you could not have such discordant outcomes.

More obvious than that is the logical conclusion that if homosexuality were a genetic defect, the fact that homosexuals do not mate with the opposite sex to produce natural offspring should have caused that genetic mutation to fade from the population thousands of years ago. The increase in the number of homosexuals in our day points to there being consistent developmental causes for the disorder.

The truth is, despite the politically correct statements by the boards of certain advocacy groups (the APAs), there is no evidence (and never has been any evidence) that people who suffer with homosexual orientation are born that way. All of the evidence now and since the birth of the field of psychology shows that homosexuality is a disorder caused by developmental factors in childhood (-e.g., child abuse, lack of emotional bonding with same-sex parent figure, etc.).

That means it can be treated! People can find healing from the Lord. He can heal the damage and reverse that process that led them into bondage to unholy affections.

This month, we are offering a new book by one of the leading psychologists in the field of sexual identity confusion in America on how to prevent homosexuality in your children. Dr. Joseph Nicolosi is the president of the National Association of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality and the author of several books on the causes of homosexual neurosis. He has been a guest of Dr. James Dobson on the “Focus on the Family” radio program and is a keynote speaker at FOTF’s roving conference - Love Won Out. In his new book, A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality, Dr. Nicolosi and his wife Linda “uncover the most significant factors that contribute to children’s healthy sense of themselves as male or female” (from the book cover). “The Nicolosis provide clear insight for identifying potential developmental roadblocks and give practical advice to parents for helping their children securely identify with their gender.”

We are offering this vital book this month as a premium gift for those who will support this ministry with a gift of $15 or more.

A second correction to be made in the thinking of our culture concerning homosexuality is that many people are not completely homosexual or heterosexual in their orientation. There is a large number of people who experience some degree of sexual identity confusion. They experience some degree of attraction to their own gender but not enough to classify themselves as “gay”. For some, this is a temporary phase during childhood and/or adolescence. For others, the partial attraction lingers into adulthood. For most, it is not enough of an attraction that they ever act upon it. Others do act upon it once or twice but never again.

Such people as this live with a sense of shame, guilt and intense frustration because they will not risk sharing their struggle with anyone lest they get labeled “homosexual” and despite all their cries and pleas to God to change them, He seems unwilling. And so they keep it a deep dark secret - the very state where satan can attack them with impunity.

I discovered this fact during my years as a male prostitute. Most of the men who picked me up were not homosexual. They were married men with children or they were single young men who led heterosexual lives and had turned to me to give place to their otherwise hidden, partially confused orientation. Gay activists would say these were gay men in denial of their homosexuality, but this is not at all true. I became friends with some of these single men and noted that their dalliance with me was indeed an exception to their primarily heterosexual lifestyle.

Sexual orientation must be seen as one of degree. Most people are fully heterosexual. About 1-2% are mostly if not fully homosexual in their orientation. Those who make up this muddled middle could run as high as 20% of the population. The exact percentage will never be accurately discovered because such folks are unlikely to ever admit their divided affections.

From the beginning of this ministry, I have been concerned with this unseen population because they have no one to turn to. They suffer alone and in silence.

It is paramount to reaching such strugglers that we talk and write about sexual orientation as one of degree. If we can correct the assumption that a person with any degree of sexual orientation confusion is “gay”, (a grossly inaccurate reflection of reality foisted upon the public consciousness by gay activism), then perhaps some of these people will risk sharing their struggle with us and get the help that they need.

Keep praying for this ministry as we launch off into new waters with the development of the “Transformation Center” that God has laid on our hearts. It is our hope to develop healing programs for multiple issues related to sexual identity confusion and beyond. We are hoping to establish a center that offers Bible-centered ministry to a broad spectrum of brokenness issues. We hope to have everything from a medical clinic, to an AIDS hospice, to a home for unwed mothers, to scores of groups for homosexuals, parents of homosexuals, sex addicts, wives of sex addicts, fallen Christian leaders, substance abuse, prisoners, troubled youth and classes and conferences on spiritual formation and development. Pray for God’s provision and blessing.

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