
Showing posts with the label American Academy of Pediatrics

Pediatricians promote gay activism and call normal marriage insidious and damaging

 If you’re a physician who sees children and adolescents on a regular basis, there is a lot you can do to encourage young patients and their families to view homosexuality as normal and healthy, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics . The AAP recently issued an  updated policy statement  concerning homosexuality to its 60,000 members. The new guidelines say pediatricians should strive to “provide the context that being LGBTQ is normal, just different.” According to the AAP, homosexuality “should not be considered abnormal.” While the organization acknowledges that “LGBTQ” teens as a whole engage in riskier behaviors and report higher rates of substance abuse, promiscuity, depression, self-harm, and even teen pregnancy, they blame that on “the presence of stigma from homophobia and heterosexism ,” which “often leads to psychological distress [and] an increase in risk behaviors.” As a result, the organization says doctors should make every effort to eliminate h

What about the children of same-sex couples?

WASHINGTON, D.C. , April 4, 2013 ( Family Research Council ) - A few weeks ago, there was a flurry of news coverage of a new  “Policy Statement”  (that’s what it was, by its own labeling—it wasn’t a “study”) from the American Academy of Pediatrics , which endorsed the redefinition of marriage to include same-sex couples. The impression which advocates for marriage redefinition seek to create in the public’s mind is that children of homosexual parents are essentially in exactly the same position as children of heterosexual parents, and children raised by same-sex couples are in the same position as children raised by married opposite-sex couples, except regarding the gender of the parents. Yet some data reported in the AAP’s own Policy Statement tend to undermine that message. Consider this quote: “The  US 2010 Census reported that 646,464 households included 2 adults of the same gender. These same-gender couples are raising ~115,000 children aged ≤18 years and are livi

American Academy of Pediatricians formally supports immoral homosexual ‘marriage’

March 22, 2013 ( ) – The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has come out with a policy statement throwing their full support behind homosexual ‘marriage,’ including full adoption and foster care rights. At the same time, another U.S.-based organization of pediatricians has responded with its own statement affirming that a marriage between a man and a woman is the best place for children. In its statement the AAP says that supporting gay "marriage" is “the best way to guarantee benefits and security for their children.” “Children thrive in families that are stable and that provide permanent security, and the way we do that is through marriage,” said Benjamin Siegel , MD, FAAP, chair of the AAP Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health, and a co-author of the policy statement.  “The AAP believes there should be equal opportunity for every couple to access the economic stability and federal supports provided to married couples

Obama to Supreme Court: 'Overwhelming expert consensus' gay parents as good as heterosexuals

Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) WASHINGTON, D.C. , February 28, 2013, ( ) – President Obama's Justice Department argued that homosexuals do as good a job parenting as heterosexual couples, in a late-breaking  amicus curiae  brief filed with the Supreme Court this afternoon. According to the  legal brief  opposing California's Proposition 8 , the “overwhelming expert consensus,” which is “supported by numerous scientific studies,” is “that children raised by gay and lesbian parents are as likely to be well adjusted as children raised by heterosexual parents.” “The weight of the scientific literature strongly supports the view that same-sex parents are just as capable as opposite-sex parents,” the Obama administration stated. The  amicus  cites a number of studies, as well as policy statements from the  American Academy of Pediatrics , th

The Homosexual gene has disappeared!

English: Gender symbols, sexual orientation: heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality. Česky: (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A publication from the American Psychological Association includes an admission that there is no “gay” gene, according to a doctor who has written about the issue on the website of National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality. A. Dean Byrd , the past president of NARTH, confirmed that the statement from the American Psychological Association came in a brochure that updates what the APA has advocated for years. Specifically, in a brochure that first came out about 1998, the APA stated: “There is considerable recent evidence to suggest that biology, including genetic or inborn hormonal factors, play a significant role in a person’s sexuality.” However, in the update: a brochure now called, “Answers to Your Questions for a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality,” the APA’s position changed. The new statement says: “T

If Gay Marriage get approved fewer children would be raised by a married mother and father

Image via Wikipedia The greatest tragedy resulting from the legalization of homosexual “marriage” would not be its effect on adults, but its effect on children. For the first time in history, society would be placing its highest stamp of official government approval on the deliberate creation of permanently motherless or fatherless households for children. There simply cannot be any serious debate, based on the mass of scholarly literature available to us, about the ideal family form for children. It consists of a mother and father who are committed to one another in marriage. Children raised by their married mother and father experience lower rates of many social pathologies, including: • premarital childbearing; • illicit drug use; • arrest; • health, emotional, or behavioral problems; • poverty; • or school failure or expulsion. These benefits are then passed on to future generations as well, because children raised by their married mother and father are themselves less l